OneList Inbox/Outbox Layout Overview

OneList Inbox/Outbox Layout Overview

In terms of layout there are 3 elements:

Sections – which have a title, and can drill down to further Sections, or to Details.

Summary lines – appear under a Section title.

Details – title/value pairs that appear as a result of a drilldown.


The following screenshots are of the OneList technical configurator which illustrates the concept (structure in left panel, data binding in middle panel and preview in right-hand panel).


In the screenshot below we have a section (header) containing another section (Vendor Name ie IQX in this example).

This section contains 2 summary lines:

  • Vendor Number

  • Vendor Address

 Drilling down on the section exposes the details: Vendor number Vendor Name, and Vendor Address (other attributes could have been added here).

It is important that the screen design for tasks confirms to this layout structure of section titles, summary lines, and detailed field elements.

To prevent excessive drill-down it is recommended to add additional summary lines to a task rather than additional levels of drill-down.

Obviously the structure of the data needs to be respected – eg for a bill, line items details can’t be shown in the header. In this case we have a Section ‘Items’ containing Section ‘Item’ with Summary lines and drill-down to data details.

Note: By default, the above Inbox/Task layout and binding configurations will be used in the Outbox unless configured differently.
To configure a different layout for Requests, the Outbox configurator is provided as pictured below wherein the option to “Use Inbox layout“ is available.


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