Change Log
Image version: 9.2.0
iqx.onelist.server and iqx.comms.server images only
Improved the email approval solution by implementing email hash checking to prevent duplicate emails from being sent.
Added additional TTF fonts for KPMG.
Bug Fixes:
Resolved an issue where task emails could include duplicate attachment files.
Fixed a problem where JSON queries using the
operator were truncated.Ensured search criteria are fully applied when searching the action history.
Enabling customization of the built-in task information line for display
Improved the handling of the outcome for delegation deletion request
Improved the handling of duplicated users in the User Sync request
Improved the task sync service to process requests that contain invalid tasks
Minor UI improvements
Bug fixes
Unable to re-assign task to different user when the new assignee of the outstanding assignment request is not mapped
libSkiaSharp.dll is not found when uploading profile photo
Fixed the styling issues in the task configurator and the MFA pages
Fixed the PDF file generated by the file conversion API not displaying bullet points correctly
Increased the SQL timeout for the task dashboard queries
Fixed the incorrect summary of due & overdue tasks on the dashboard for tasks with due date
UX improvement for the delegation page
New APIs:
Enhanced the SAPDateConverter & SAPTimeConverter to support for JSON date-time format
Improved the diagnostic reporting for mailbox usage
Security improvements
Hide the password related pages when username & password sign-in is not enabled
Built with current version of libraries
Bug fixes
The incorrect filtering of the 'Assign To' user list on the Task Administration page
New configuration setting: Diagnostic:ReportSetting:ReportRecipients
Delegation page improvements
OneList administration enhancements
Task dashboard and task administration Manage Tasks - IQX OneList Documentation - IQX (
Manage delegation for all users Manage Delegations - IQX OneList Documentation - IQX (
Online help for the schema of the system configuration JSON
Security enhancements
Built with .Net 8 and current version of 3-party JavaScript libraries
Run by non-root user for Linux containers
Secure the swagger UI
Improved the validation of any redirect URL
Integration API enhancements
APINew integration APIs for task assignment
Enable email approval by user’s aliases
Include mailbox size monitoring in diagnostic report
Add configuration for diagnostic report settings
General performance enhancements
Bug fixes
The user sync does not trigger task refresh.
MSGraph internal server error caused by zero byte attachment.
Improve error handling for inbound email to avoid crashing the timer job.
RoleManager and EmailApproval images only
Bug fixes
The Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.WsFederation component throws MissingMethodException.
The email approval service hangs when processing email containing many empty lines.
Support bulk deleting outdated summary records in Diagnostic's Activity Monitor.
Built with the latest base images and 3-party libraries to rectify security vulnerabilities.
Bug fixes
Out-dated Android device registration is not removed.
The process cannot access the file 'C:\app\Views\tmp\xxxx\MasterLayout.cshtml' because it is being used by another process.
The unique index 'IX_EmailTemplates_InfoId_Culture' violation error when importing email templates.
Support for automatic checks and applying the current SAML SSO certificate.
Built with the latest base images and 3-party libraries to rectify security vulnerabilities.
Bug fixes
Approval emails for outstanding tasks are not sent to the new address after the user's email address is changed.
Action history is not returned correctly.
Unable to import Value Converter.
Added the option for the Outlook Add-in to suppress Outlook notification for new tasks.
Added support for the new OneList Browser Extension Download and Setup OneList Browser Extension for OneList 8.2^
Support for global email header and footer.
Support custom colour for built-in action button styles.
Support wildcard for email white listing.
Improved the admin UI to better support for importing adapters to different environments of the same source system.
Support dynamic types in the Post Sync Event Handler.
Support default value binding for the input fields in the interactive task action configuration.
Enhanced the inbound approval email handling to ignore specific prefix in the comments.
Remove the unnecessary task refresh triggered for failed task action.
Improved the accuracy of source system monitoring alerts.
New configuration option to control whether to send the email notification for failed task action.
Enable deletion of profile photo.
Enhance RoleManager to detect invalid redirect URL: e.g. //
Updated to use the current version for all 3-party libraries.
General application performance improvements.
Bug fixes
Web App styling issue in Outlook panel.
The process of the approval email queue is stopped when OneList is unable to fetch the task attachment file.
The diagnostic report is not sent when it is unable to connect to mailbox.
The Web App may not validate the required date & time field for an interactive action.
The email white listing only works when the list is not empty.
Previewing of Office documents (docx/doc, pptx/ppt, xlsx/xls), RTF and Outlook email files is supported on Linux platform.
Enhanced the styling for line-level actions.
Minor styling enhancements in the UI.
Support scanning of uploaded files using AWS file scanning service .
Enhanced the performance of downloading large attachment files.
Enhanced the OneList admin API to refresh existing tasks to reflect layout changes.
New OneList admin API to enable/disable notification channel for all users.
Search diagnostic logs by the User field.
Support to use Azure SignalR Service for realtime notification.
Enhanced the handling of user name changes for OneList user account.
Built with .Net 7 and current version of 3-party JavaScript libraries.
Fixed the styling of the user search control.
Fixed: unable to create new value converter.
Web App and Mobile App UI revamp:
Easier to switch between category view and all items view.
Options to show or hide category icons.
Updated theme.
The new task reminder notification channel enables reminder email to be sent at scheduled time.
The new email address white listing feature enables specifying test email addresses explicitly in non-production environments, preventing test email to be sent to real users.
Support using MSGraph service to send email. MSGraph uses OAuth to authenticate with O365.
Support for source systems to register Webhook and receive task action and data sync events.
Reducing the task action data payload to avoid latency problem over slow network.
Support OAuth for the data sync APIs in addition to API keys.
Added new GetUserSync API to supersede the current GetUserSyncRequests API and fully support the user sync requirements:
Users with outstanding tasks.
Delegations created in OneList.
Delegations received from Source systems.
Recipient of task forwarding.
The task configurator is enhanced to enable preview in full screen mode.
The email preview function is enhanced to view email content with its styling preserved.
Built with .Net 6 and current version of 3-party JavaScript libraries.
Fixed: a new system may be inadvertently created when importing an adapter.
Enhancement for outbound email:
Added settings to specify maximum outbound email size to avoid oversized email being rejected by SMTP server.
Large files are no longer attached to the email. Instead, the email can provide links to download those files.
Hide the “Not Applicable” check box if the source system supports automatic user sync.
Enable administrators to remove the “Not Applicable” flag for users.
Support user synchronization with on-prem AD.
OneList client js enhancements:
The oidc library is updated to the latest version of oidc-client-ts.
Added option to persist user token in browser’s local storage.
Detect and change the href of links with onelist-btn class to the OneList Web App on mobile devices, which launches OneList in full screen instead of inside the IFRAME on mobile.
Fixed: null exception is thrown if a user has no email on Azure AD.
Support authentication with SignalR endpoint using query parameter.
Source system monitoring and alert improvement.
Fixed: The task adapter’s EnableLiveView and EnableRequestorView settings are not imported.
New configuration setting: RootUrl
Task configurator is enhanced to support JSON query syntax in the binding context.
Added option to enable or disable the requestor view at the task adapter.
New functions are added to the OneList client.js to support OneList sign-in by the hosting page.
Added theming support for the task list toolbar.
The Requestor, Due Date and Status fields in the task title section are only displayed when they are not null.
Improved the Diagnostic app’s overdue communications report to cater for long running sync jobs in the source system.
The JWT validation options are now fully configurable. JWT validation errors are recorded in the diagnostic logs.
The Outlook add-in can be configured to open links in default browser or the built-in Edge browser.
Fixed: Response email is not sent for failed email approval.
Fixed: Null exception when importing Category, Value Converter.
Fixed: Web app does not display pre-populated text in the action comment popup.
Fixed: The action event is not executed when testing task action in the task configurator.
Setting the HttpOnly flag to true for authentication cookies.
The delegation functionality is enhanced to notify user if any of the delegations requested cannot be created.
The Requestor view is enhanced to display the pending approval section.
The GetUserSyncRequests API is enhanced to query users cross systems that are linking to the same back-end user pool.
General improvement and bug fixes:
Fixed: The incorrect validation error message returned by the SyncBusinessObject API.
Fixed: Cannot copy the key on the API key page.
Fixed: the onelist_client.js incorrectly filters out the Outbox event.
Fixed: the GetBusinessObjectRequests API does not exclude live tasks that are not yet mapped to any OneList user.
Enabled automatic clean up of expired refresh token records in database.
The Web App and Mobile App now remember user’s last selection and will automatically open the Inbox or Outbox and display tasks in category view or list view when launched the next time.
The Web App’s task list is now easily be identified between Inbox, Outbox and History.
User is only prompted to log on to a source system if the user is in the role that requires them to authorize OneList to get access to that source system.
Send email notification when user’s expired source system token is deleted.
Support upload for bulk creation of users in RoleManager.
Support on-demand user task sync requests, either role-based or history-based.
Enable administrators to configure the default settings for: on launch, task list view and badge count.
Integration API enhancements:
New APIs to maintain user’s token from source systems.
New GetAndSyncTaskDelta and GetAndSyncTaskDeltaByUser APIs to make identifying delta task list simpler in the iPaaS integration flows.
GetTaskCount API now returns the outbox request count and the Badge count for display. Badge count is configurable to count both Inbox and Outbox, Inbox only or Outbox only.
The SyncBusinessObject API is enhanced to handle requests with no detail JSON.
The GetBusinessObjectRequest API is enhance to return the RequestorUserId.
Removed the obsoleted GetUserMappingRequests and SyncUserMapping APIs.
Support user defined variables and their binding in the configurator.
Enhanced onelist-client.js to be compatible with ServiceNow environment.
General performance improvement and bug fixes:
Restored the View Source option in the email template editor.
Improved the management of the approval email status to prevent duplicate emails caused by the timing of the related API calls.
Outlook add-in does not prompt for log on when the URL has ?clnt=outlook.
EF error: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'entity').
The Inbox Bulk action button on the Web App disappears after navigating to other tiles.
Email approval service does not retry the MS Graph change event subscription when it fails to subscribe at start up.
External source system sign in not working on Mobile App.
New configuration setting: ContentSecurityPolicy
The new Outbox (request view) feature:
The Outbox feature can be enabled for requestors to view and monitor the progress of their requests.
Enhanced the task configurator to support the Outbox view layout configuration.
Enhancements for task attachments:
Support for line-level attachment.
Support for task action attachment.
Support for attachment meta data being sync’d from source system and displayed on the Web App and the Mobile App.
Improved the messaging about over-sized attachment files on the Web App, the Mobile App and the task approval email.
Enable viewing attachments for task history items.
Supporting the Web App to be embedded in an iFrame:
The onelist-client.js enabling communication between the hosting page and the iFrame.
Configurable Content-Security-Policy in response header.
Enhanced the task configurator to support copy and paste of nodes between adapters and views.
Enhanced the task sync report to include OneList user records whose detail is not synchronized with their Role Manager user record.
Added the “Admin Only” flag to the Notification Channel setting to hide those channels from selecting by non-admin users.
Performance enhancement by enabling asynchronous diagnostic logging in all the backend services.
Configurable retention setting for the history and the outbox records.
Improved the parsing of DateTimeOffset so date can be displayed consistently.
API changes
Changed the GetActionRequest not to return task detail, reducing the size of the JSON payload.
Enhanced the UserSync API to accept culture & time zone settings.
Enhanced the DataSync and UserSync APIs to support the Outbox view.
Enhanced the SyncAttachments API to accept additional meta data.
Enhanced the COMMS API to accept time zone ID.
Minor UI adjustment and changes.
Fixed: The “Sync Now” button sends approval emails to all task assignees instead of only to the user initiating the sync.
Fixed: HTTP 413 status code is incorrectly converted to HTTP 500.
Fixed: Html element overflows outside of the container element.
Fixed: Name is empty in TaskLogUser record.
Fixed: SQL errors caused by the completed task while the same task is being refreshed.
Enable individual adapter to be configured not to send task approval email.
Fixed: the duplicate approval email for the same task.
Fixed: memory leak caused by the post sync event handlers.
Fixed: the "Task header/data is not found" error after attachment sync.
New configuration settings: Localization:DefaultTimeZone, Localization:DefaultCulture, Localization:SupportedCultures
Multi-lingual support
English, Chinese, German and Spanish languages are supported by Web App and Mobile App. Additional language packs available on request.
Use translatable terms for dynamic content e.g. task configuration, task category.
Create email & notification templates for specified languages.
Support for the most recent task view for actioned tasks. This feature can be enabled/disabled at the task adapter level.
New data sync APIs enabling source system to push the snapshot of business object detail.
Web App enhancements
Enable user to set preferred language and time zone.
Use different icon to easily identify Inbox and History list.
Task detail panel is themed with the task category background colour.
Navigate to task directly via URL.
The displaying of HTML element is changed to span the entire row.
Mobile App enhancements
Navigate to task directly by clicking the push notification.
Navigate to task directly via URL.
Task detail page is themed with the task category background colour.
Improved usability in iOS dark mode.
Enable user to set preferred language and time zone.
Outlook add-in enhancements
Use consistent “Back” button to navigation between task detail and task list.
Fixed minor layout issue in the delegations page.
Replace IE with Edge for the embedded browser.
Added the Zoom Factor on the Settings page for user to set the default zoom factor for the task pane.
Security enhancements
Include X-XSS-Protection, X-Frame-Options and X-Content-Type-Options headers for all the endpoints.
Fixed the “372268-GNU Bash Privilege Escalation Vulnerability” for the Linux Docker images. The OneList docker images are now built using the .Net Core Alpine image as base.
Prevent parameter-based redirection to external sites.
Email approval service is enhanced to receive MS Graph change notification.
Improved tracking of approval email sending errors so that they can be resent at a later time.
OneList Server configuration improvements:
Preview task in different language using the task configurator.
Added drag-and-drop for new binding and other minor UI enhancements in the task configurator.
Fixed: unable to re-order the Supplemental Info fields and Dropdown values in the task configurator.
Enable to define custom look up value converters for task configuration (eg “X” to “Yes”)
Monitoring & reporting enhancements
Source system connectivity monitoring and alerts.
Inbox monitoring and alerts.
Task sync report is included in the diagnostic reporting job.
Fixed: unable to select multiple users the Usage Report page.
New Terms service for import & export terms and enabling source system to push terms for different languages.
Display version number for adapters and email templates.
Improved the life cycle management for attachment files.
Fixed: Invalid non-ASCII or control character in header error when viewing attachments.
Improved email approval to be more resilient in detecting action keywords with or without line breaks.
Support the HTTP/2 Apple Push Notification service:
The task history enhancements:
Displaying approval comment and colour coded approval action;
Displaying task immediately after it is actioned with a pending status indicator;
Supporting delta sync for better mobile app performance;
General performance enhancement for background processing;
Implemented unified URL:
for launching the mobile app, and/onelistserver/mobile/setup
for setting up the mobile app;Fixed: Entity Framework error when updating task log;
Fixed: null exception when exporting System and Category;
Fixed: Mobile App not correctly displaying HTML content in subsections;
Delegation UI and data model has been re-designed; Delegation sync APIs have been enhanced;
Improved line level action detection to cover nested child sections in the Web App;
Adapters page has been enhanced to display task adapters and delegation adapters in separate tabs;
Configurator enhancements:
New SAP and .Net boolean value convertors to convert boolean value to Yes and No;
Enabled re-ordering supplemental info fields and predefined drop down options in the Action definitions page;
Automatically hide the element if all the bound fields return null or empty;
Binding editor is changed multi-line for better display long and multi-field binding definition;
Outlook add-in enhancements
Improved session timeout monitoring;
Keeping the user token when network connectivity changes, avoid prompting user to log on again;
Web App and Mobile App now correctly display the root sections which has no child sections;
General performance enhancement for task sync process;
Task email notification is changed to only sent for new tasks. Explicit configuration is required for updated and completed tasks to trigger task email notification;
Support for server side region and culture configuration;
Html detail element is displayed with consistent font and occupies the full row;
RoleManager enhancements
Enable administrator to delete users;
Enable administrator to maintain user’s manager;
User can view the assigned manager;
Improved logging for user registration errors;
Fixed: Usage report is not displayed correctly in all the chart types;
Fixed: The web app and mobile app display the Requested Date using a fixed date format;
Fixed: Task summary without bound field is not displayed;
Fixed: Error when evaluating delegation policy that contains more than one rule;
Fixed: Unable to save delegation rules;
Fixed: The COMMS service stops skipping SSL certificate error when the SMTP connection times out.
Improved user search for task forwarding.
UI enhancement: the task sort button now displays all sortable fields and directions, as well as the indicator of the current sorting field and order.
Added buttons on the System Administration > Users page for administrators to refresh user’s tasks.
RoleManager is enhanced to use customer’s reCAPTCHA site code and secret.
Outlook add-in is enhanced to read the default OneList URL from HKCU\software\IQX\OneList registry key
Fixed: OneList displays the “A second operation started on this context before a previous operation completed” error message when user accesses OneList for the first time.
Improvement in the task sync service to better handle concurrent database update by multiple API requests.
Enabled setting task category view and task list view as default in the OneList Mobile App.
Improved the sorting, filtering and searching functions in OneList Mobile App.
The approval comment popup has been made movable in the Web App.
Both OneList Mobile App and Web App are now consistent in displaying the indicator of attachments and the original task assignee.
Performance enhancements in the handling attachment files for both inbound and outbound email.
The Diagnostic UI has been improved to support searching logs source cross multiple applications by date & time and by logging sources.
The selected line level actions are now visible in the task history.
The email approval service has been enhanced to verify mandatory comment is provided in the email.
Enhanced to make the base URL configurable in all application components to support AWS load balancer.
Added the “Task sync report” which can be run by external schedule job to identify any user who has failed to be mapped and any task that has missing attachment files. It sends email alert to administrators subscribing to the report.
The task Configurator is improved to insert new binding at the cursor position.
Full task detail can be accessed in the Configurator’s TaskSync event handler.
Enhanced RoleManager to report SQL connection error at startup to the hosting environment enabling the hosting to restart the application.
Fixed: The task category name, system name fields are limited to 20 characters.
Fixed: The Web App shows blank entries in the Delegator filter list.
Fixed: When a task with line level actions has been partially submitted multiple times, the task history only shows one entry of the task.
Fixed: Importing task adapter may create new task category without icon settings.
Fixed: The delta task sync job could remove the task pending for action causing the task not being archived.
Web App and Mobile App are enhanced to show and enable user to perform the line level actions.
Configurator supports line level task actions.
Configurator is enhanced to support HTML configuration.
Improved user experience for bulk task selection and action.
Mobile App now supports swipe to action tasks.
Mobile App is enhance to support split view on tablets.
Import and export of email templates.
Improve the searching, filtering and sorting of tasks in Web App.
Administrators can navigate directly from the system configuration page to the API key generation page.
Support for Azure SAML authentication.
Support MS Graph for inbound email.
Added the OneList administrator role to the first system administrator user.
The diagnostic service is secured with the app:// claim.
COMMS can now be configured to send silent IOS push notification to update task count only.
New OneList server API enabling third-party to securely query user’s task count.
Outlook add-in is changed to only prompt for OneList log in if required when user clicks the OneList ribbon button.
OneList web app quick action is enhanced allowing user select and action multiple tasks in one category then continue to another category. It will also prompt user to confirm discarding previous selection before allowing user to select tasks in a different category.
The Mobile App is enhanced to display the task delegator’s name.
Adding the OriginalAssignee property back to the OneList SyncTasks API for backwards compatible.
Upgraded the base image to .Net Core 3.1.1 taking full advantage of all its security and performance enhancements.
Fixed: The task list sometimes flickers when the Web App is loaded for the first time.
Fixed: Out-dated system messages being shown on the Mobile App.
Fixed: After the URL is changed, the Outlook add-in leaves the opened task pane unchanged showing task list form the previous URL.
Fix for CSS not loaded in AKS when environment = Development.
Fixed: Refreshing the task list in Web App sometimes causes duplicate tasks being displayed.
Fixed: The invalid mobile device sometimes is not removed in the users device list.
Fixed: The “Unique email index error” when a new user logs on for the first time.
Fixed: Task adapter importing may incorrectly update an existing adapter with the same task type but for a different system.
Email approval service to handle possible malformed email message where the "To" address is null.
Fixed: COMMS does not send email when internal hosted SMTP server presents private certificate.
Fixed: OneList web app quick action - the checkbox click event is not correctly handled in Edge browser.
Fixed: Task history shows duplicated tasks.
Fixed: The order of tasks showing on the Mobile App and the Web App is inconsistent.