Manage Email Templates and Security Policies

Manage Email Templates and Security Policies

Navigate to the /RoleManager URL then click the Configuration menu. Note that you require System Admin roles to access this page.

Configure email templates

Use the buttons to test, edit or add the email templates. See Authoring Email Templates for more information.





Reset Password

Sent to the user who requests a password reset.

User Email Confirmation

Sent to the new user or after the user's email address is changed to confirm the ownership of the email address. 

User Registration

Sent to the user after the user account is created by the automatic user sync process.

User Role Change

Sent to the user who has been assigned new roles.

Configure two-factor authentication

  • Authenticator Account: the name to be displayed in the Authentication App identifying the code for OneList;

  • Claims Mandated for Two-Factor Authentication: a user who has any of these claims is required to set up and use two-factor authentication;

  • Enable Site-Wide Two Factor Authentication: globally enable or disable the two-factor authentication feature; 

  • Preferred Authentication App: reserved for a future version.

Configure password complexity requirements

Configure authentication settings

  • If the "Enable User Registration" is set to true then the "Register as a new user" link is displayed in the login page enabling self-registration.

  • Specify the reCAPTCHA keys if available.

Configure the redirect URIs

Register the redirect URI for authorized external web site to access to OneList.


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