Diagnostic logs

Diagnostic logs

Navigate to the /diagnostic URL to view the logs;

The diagnostic logs contain run-time errors and other debugging information of the following applications:

  • OneList - the OneList Server application;

  • RoleManager - user authentication and authorization related information;

  • COMMS - the communications service;

  • Email Approval - only available when email approval service is deployed;

  • Diagnostic - querying and reporting of diagnostic logs;

Viewing the diagnostic logs

Monitor the communication from source systems

Configure error report

  • Select the Settings menu to set up the error report;

  • Enter one or multiple email address to receive the report and alerts;

    • Report includes application errors, pending inbound email, pending outbound email, overdue communication from source systems.

    • Alert includes overdue communication from source systems.

  • Select the recipient's time zone;

  • Use the ”Ignore error message settings” to skip well-known errors;

  • Configure the number of errors to be sampled for each application and the reporting frequency;

  • The "Outgoing email queue threshold" is only applicable when the email approval service is deployed.