Task Administration

Task Administration

There are two ways to navigate to the Task Administration page and view the Task Report list:

  1. From the Task Dashboard page:

    • In one of the overview reports, click on any link from one of its categorized groupings.

  2. From the Administration Menu:

    • In the upper right corner of OneList, go to the Administration menu tab and select Task Administration from the dropdown list.


Filtering Task Report List

If navigating from the Task Dashboard page, the report filters are automatically populated. To update filters or result list, user will need to click on the Search button again.

  • Task - Any text entered in the Task filter will be searched in the Title, Business Object, and Key Value column of the report.

  • System - This filter displays a dropdown list of all configured System. The selected option will filter the list entries by the System column accordingly.

  • Category - This filter displays a dropdown list of all configured Category. The selected option will filter the list entries by the Category column accordingly.

  • Task Type - This filter displays a dropdown list of all configured Task Type. The selected option will filter the list entries by the Task Type detail accordingly.

  • User - Any text entered on this filter will automatically search existing OneList users for a match. The selected user will then filter the list entries by the Assigned To column accordingly.

  • Created On - This filter displays a date range selection control, allowing the user to choose dates for the Created On column in the report.

  • Age - This filter displays a dropdown list containing the values All, Current, Due, and Overdue.

Task Report

Export Functionality

Task Reassignment

Follow this guide for configuration and pre-requisites of Task Reassignment functionality in Process Administration page: How to Reassign or Forward OneList Tasks

  • Reassigning a task:

    1. Search for the tasks using the provided filters

    2. Select the tasks that are to be reassigned using the checkbox provided in each row

    3. Click on Assign button

    4. Select the Task Owner if the selected task is currently assigned to multiple approvers

    5. Select the OneList user to assign

    6. and click Submit


  • After submitting a reassignment, the Assignment column shows the following status and details of the reassignment:

    • Task reassignment in progress (Status = NEW)

    • Task reassignment completed (Status = COMPLETE)