Make MyForms available in FLP
Make MyForms available in FLP
If you are using Fiori Launchpad (FLP) and would like to have the standard IQX MyForms function as a standalone Fiori app in the FLP, follow these steps:
Export the IQX_MY_FORMS app from IQX and import to your SAP system.
You can rename the app but if you do, remember to change the data model field ThisApp to the new name so the navigation works:
Remember to set the “fioriLaunchPadIntegrated” property to true in the other FAB apps that will be used in FLP. This will ensure that the FLP navigation between the MyForms and other FAB apps works correctly.
Follow the steps detailed in Deployment to Fiori Launchpad to create an individual Fiori tile for the MyForms app in the FLP
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