Retrieving Application Instance Data via OData

Retrieving Application Instance Data via OData


Often there is a need to provide ad-hoc reporting capabilities on instances of applications to power users.  As Fiori applications are based on OData, the option to use Microsoft Excel or any other OData compatible reporting tools is immediately supported.  The available OData service will bring back basic data about each instance of the application such as:

  • Submitted Timestamp
  • Change Timestamp
  • Submitted By
  • Instance ID
  • Form Status

Any configured Search Fields in your ABAP Implementation Class will also be brought back from this service.  This allows you to take important fields from your data model and have them available from your service.

OData Service End Points:

  • Form Header Information
    • (SAP Gateway Base URL)/sap/opu/odata/iqx/FAB_SRV/FormHeaderInstances?$filter=FabVersion eq '002' and Filter eq 'Administrator' and ZformName eq 'Form_ID'
  • Search Fields Information
    • (SAP Gateway Base URL)/sap/opu/odata/iqx/FAB_SRV/FormHeaderSearchTerms?$filter=ZformName eq 'Form_ID'

Change Form_ID  to the name of the app your are wanting to interact with.

Instructions (For Excel):

  1. Open Excel and select the Data tab.  From within the Data tab, there will be an option to either Get External Data or Get Data.  (This will vary on your version of Microsoft Excel;).

  2. From the Data tab, find the option to Import Data from an OData Data Feed.
  3. You will then need to provide the OData Service End Point you wish to connect to

    • Form Header Information
      • (SAP Gateway Base URL)/sap/opu/odata/iqx/FAB_SRV/FormHeaderInstances?$filter=FabVersion eq '002' and Filter eq 'Administrator' and ZformName eq 'Form_ID'
    • Search Fields Information
      • (SAP Gateway Base URL)/sap/opu/odata/iqx/FAB_SRV/FormHeaderSearchTerms?$filter=ZformName eq 'Form_ID'

  4. Depending on your version of Excel, you may be prompted to confirm the tables you wish to import and provide a description.


  5. You must then select where in the Excel workbook where you would like the data to be stored.

  6. The data will then be imported into Excel and can be refreshed using the options in the Data tab.