Implementing the Administration Tab in MyForms
Implementing the Administration Tab in MyForms
The Administration tab in MyForms provides a way for nominated administrators to view all, or a selection of instances for an application. An example of why the instances could be filtered is because you may want to have multiple administrators, each one responsible for a specific area in the organization (e.g. Plant, Cost Center, Company Code).
- Create a new ABAP class with a Superclass of /IQX/CL_FORMS_WORKLIST_CLASS.
Redefined the method FILL_WORKLIST_FOR_ROLE.
Below is an example of code that will return ALL instances for the current form.method FILL_WORKLIST_FOR_ROLE. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_instances> LIKE LINE OF et_instances. DATA: lv_Instance TYPE /IQX/INSTANCE, lv_FormName TYPE STRING. CASE i_Filter. WHEN 'Administrator'. lv_FormName = I_FORM_NAME. "This could be hard coded with the name of your application SELECT * FROM /iqx/formhd_inst INNER JOIN /iqx/formhd ON /iqx/formhd~zform_name = /iqx/formhd_inst~zform_name INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE et_instances WHERE /iqx/formhd~ZFORM_NAME = lv_FormName AND ( deleted IS NULL OR deleted = ` ` ). ENDCASE. endmethod.
- Go into the /IQX/FAB_CONFIG and create a new Role. Set the Implementing Class for Workflist value to the name of the class you created in step 1.
- Go into the Forms for Roles section and add a row that assigns the Application to the Role you just created.
- Go into the Roles for Users section and assign the necessary users to the Role you just created, ensuring you check the Admin flag.
- My Forms will now show an Administrator tab and return the instances you configured in the FILL_WORKLIST_FOR_ROLE method.