FAB 3.0 (Limited Release)
FAB 3.0 (Limited Release)
The main purpose of version 3 is to provide an easy and more functional workflow engine that supports parallel processing, locking of forms and other advanced workflow features.
New Features:
- Added some "loading..." messages when opening the Icon Picker, JSON Editor and Process Designer for the first time.
- Improved performance when saving in the Advanced JavaScript editor
- Added support for customers that do not have the /IWFND components installed.
- Now reloading apps when changing from display to change mode to ensure latest changes are loaded before editing.
- Stand alone apps are now correctly supported from the MyForms application and custom FAB Launch Pad.
- Added a new API in FAB for the OneList Solution to allow the adaptor to retrieve a list agents for a form instance.
- Added a FAB API for the OneList solution to allow the retrieval of active action instances.
- Added the ability to set the templateShareable property on Responsive Tables.
- Drag and Drop toggle option added to Responsive Tables when Drag and Drop was enabled.
- Show XML option will now pretty print the output for easier viewing
- Improved performance of Data Report by excluding certain ABAP user exit calls
- Now loading application scripts before the View to get around issues where required functions were not available when the view is first rendered.
- Added a new Advanced workflow type for more advanced workflow designs
- Added syntax helpers and auto complete to the Advanced JavaScript editor
- Now removing URL parameter sap-ui-appcache=false when generating application URLs.
- Not allowing the import of fields from a SAP structure directly to the root node of the Data Model.
- Added FormattedText control to the control library
- Added some additional OneList Integration parameters to the More property of the One-List Workflow Task node.
- Updated the detail of error messages returned when an issue with the XML view is encountered
- Added a RFC destination for saving attachments to the Back End when developing in the Front End.
- Added the ability to search for form instances based on the configured search fields from within the Admin section in MyForms.
- Introduced a new ABAP exit (DETERMINE_SUBSTITUTE_APPROVERS) that will allow for custom substitution rules to be implemented for approvers.
Added ability to use SAP cache-busting for /IQX/FAB_BSP application.
Improved ability to lookup entity sets and fields for hub deployments.
Bug Fixes:
- Resolved an issue with the OneList integration where values were being placed with unnecessary spaces.
- Creating the data model from a BDC recording no longer asks for confirmation for each individual field.
- Resolved an issue where an & in the text of a Select item would cause XML errors
- Resolved a problem where \ characters were getting removed from JavaScript code when using the new JavaScript editor.
- Fixed a typo in the "Add Field" confirmation dialog.
- Fixed an issue where copying and pasting a table in the Data Model could cause a dump.
- Fixed an issue where adding a table with a newly bound field could unintentionally affect some of the properties of other UI elements in the application.
- Search Help for the Bound property of controls enhanced to allow for fields in deeply nested structures to be selected.
- Resolved an issue with Select controls using the "configuration" model will have the values cleared out after a FAB action is performed.
- Fixed an issue where the Enabled property was not being respected in a VerticalLayout control.
- Fixed an issue when using the old data model where messages from VALIDATIONS_ON_SAVE were not being output in the correct sequence.
- Fixed an issue where the Mark Up HTML editor URL was hardcoded and not read from the configuration settings.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes fields could not be imported from a SAP structure into the Data Model.
- Updated the FAB Launch Pad to respect any authorization checks to prevent tiles from being displayed without sufficient authorizations.
- Resolved an issue with the OneList integration where Parent Group Name was not correctly returned.
- Improved the OneList integration so that data models with more than one level of nested structures are supported.
- Fixed an issue where creating a Web/Repository through a RFC Destination did not work correctly.
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