FAB 3.3.0 Release Notes

FAB 3.3.0 Release Notes


The main theme for the 3.3 release was to prepare for the alternate workflows where user could easily have a specific instance to run on an updated workflow pattern without breaking any existing in-flight instances.

On this release, we also provided some improved functionality on existing FAB features. Some of which are: enhanced parallel workflow processing, date filter on My Forms to improve performance and filtration, enhanced excel export (xlsx format) functionality for grid tables, import/export functionality for FAB configuration among systems, and improved workflow FAB substitutions program.

Additionally, many minor bugs were addressed in this release.

New Features

Release Notes

Release Notes

In preparation to release of Alternate Workflows in the future, we have added the following features:

  • Non-breakable Workflow: Allow in-progress workflow instances to be isolated from the FAB workflow changes. New adjustments on workflow process flow will not affect older instances in production. In the same manner, new instances will automatically use the latest workflow definition until this feature is improved on future release/patch where users will have the ability to choose which WF definition version to use per specific instance.

  • Traceability: All changes in workflow definitions are trackable via new table /IQX/FAB_WF.

For more details on this, check out Alternate Workflow

For customers not wanting to implement this feature at this time, please see How To Bypass WF Instance ID Generation

Allow dynamic value on workflow Notifications Templates' "From:" (Sender Email) field. Value can now be configured to come from data model field.

For more details on how to use this feature, check this page: https://iqxbusiness.atlassian.net/l/cp/tYTAhSu1

Workflow approver list now displayed for Administrator Role.

Updated functionality for Workflow FAB Substitutions program:

  • Added more information on screen parameters.

  • Added more details on data processed.

  • Fixed the not working ‘Test Run’ functionality.

For more information on this program, see SAP Substitutions with FAB

Enhance ‘export’ function to add the option to download directly as Excel XLSX table instead of CSV file. Enable full or filtered excel table download for Grid table.

To know more about this new feature, check FAB 3.3 update on this page: https://iqxbusiness.atlassian.net/l/cp/MA1iABUB

Added 'CR_DATA' (data model fields) as changing parameter to the method FORMAT_MY_FORMS_ATTRIBUTE of class /IQX/CL_FORMS_BASE_CLASS. This can now be used to customize MyForms Display.

Related Read: How to Customize the MyForms Display

Allow data model fields to be used for enhancing success messages. This will make displayed messages to have more specific information.

Improve logging for mandatory and validation checks by adding Id of the control that failed. Details of the field will be logged on console during debug while screen controls with error will be highlighted with red box.

Updated RegEx input validations to support quantifier checks.

See updated documentation: Validations

New 'Short Description' column added to display when selecting Search Help Parameters.

See documentation: https://iqxbusiness.atlassian.net/l/cp/AARbzR0t

Allow incrementing suffixes on copied nodes. This is applicable for both Form Structure and Data Model Hierarchies.

Self-healing long-running jobs by Onelist Endpoint Configuration for each OPS type.

Related Read: https://iqxbusiness.atlassian.net/l/cp/1WwXaq1S

In /IQX/OL_CONFIG transaction, when creating a new task-job set, the key from the task is now transferred to the job definition, making it easier to maintain job definitions.

Implement new OneList User Synchronization API (/api/DataSync/GetUserSync) to get list of user IDs who have not yet mapped to the source system user account.

Improve searchability in SLG1 by making job method as external ID.

Enhanced OneList Adapter to include non-ECC workflows.

Related Read: Non-Workflow Adapter Setup

Added selection date filter for entries listed in 'Submitted By Me' and 'Actioned By Me' tab in MyForms. This feature is applicable for built-in version with FAB Launchpad, FLP Dynamic, and FLP Stand Alone version.

Tools to Import/Export FAB Configuration to support system refresh.

Read this page to know more about this functionality: Export/Import FAB Configuration

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue where workflow comments were being cleared before sending notifications. Comment values can now be included in email notifications.

Allow workflow approver redetermination for parallel approval workflows.

Revised logic for re-determination of new status, level, and approvers upon action change. This is to solve problems encountered after re-determination. Some issues where system tasks were not triggered successfully in background and new status, level, and approvers not correctly determined for parallel tasks.

Fixed the bug where next approval level and approvers cannot be determined after synchronous/system task.

Remove duplicates in retrieving approver list.

Determine allowed actions for approvers of the parallel tasks correctly.

Fixed issue with multiple task roles causing inaccurate approver determination.

Allow attachment button to be displayed on completed requests or requests without actions.

Fixed a bug where status is not correctly determined when status override is configured for multiple hidden sequential tasks.

Improve performance in complex workflows with multiple hidden tasks.

Corrected the spelling of success action type in FAB workflow editor.

Fixed the issue in FAB Workbench where user without access to a particular authorization group or even to the Change activity (value 12) is still able to load a project/app in the workbench in Change mode.

Fixed authorization check for Form creation.

Fixed the issue in FAB workbench where it thinks the implementation class already exists if we click on cancel at the stage where we assign a package.

Introduced a user-friendly error message when the form is displayed but the implementing class has not yet been generated.

Fixed the issue in FAB workbench where the app shows error message "Error retrieving data" after we delete the redefinition of any method. 

Form ID is made mandatory field in FAB workbench while creating forms.

Fixed the issue in FAB workbench where form was getting created with special characters even after the user cancels the action.

Fixed the issue in FAB workbench where it allowed creation of App with special characters in App ID even after showing warning message.

Fixed a bug where creating a new project with the same form name as an existing one would overwrite the existing project without notifying the user, even if the implementing class was not generated on the initial screen.

Enhanced the Excel Import Functionality in excel drop target form element - Added make_xlsx_lib(XLSX) code to existing framework to prevent XLSX library issue during excel import.

Fixed a bug where controls in fragments are not always initialized.

Fixed the problem in FAB generated class where user-defined data type was not reflecting in the types section of the implementing class.

Increased the length of the icon field in App Properties to cater icon IDs longer than 26 characters.

Fixed the issue in FAB workbench where the icons for App were not displaying.

New 'Short Description' column added to display when selecting Search Help Parameter.

Allow multi-language search on IQX Cost Center Search Help.

Related Read: Implementing Search Helps

Fixed the issue in which custom search was failing to search if opened via F4 key. 

Fixed the issue where the custom search help wasn't showing the favorites.

Corrected issue where an empty row applied (possible erroneously) to a Filter for a Custom Search Help produced no results. Empty rows are now ignored.

Fixed the issue in FAB workbench where custom search help created from root model table do not suggests the mapping with the prefix "/" and do not show the search help values without the prefix "/" to the data model table.

Fixed the bug in FAB workbench where the ‘Delete Row’ button in custom ODATA search help filter do not delete selected rows.

Fixed the issue in FAB workbench where the input fields with custom OData search Help was not clearing if more than 2 bindings are passed.

Fixed the issue in FAB workbench where the binding for checkbox in a table was not working correctly unless we remove the table name in the binding manually.

Removed the redundant code in DETERMINE_INITIAL_FIELD_VALUES method of class /IQX/CL_FORMS_BASE_CLASS.

Fixed the issue where exception raised in GET_ENTITYSET method was still returning in success.

Fixed the issue where date and timestamps in ‘Log' tab and 'Header Changes’ section in FAB Data report (/IQX/FAB_DATA) were using different time zone conversions.

Allow form fragments to be copied from one system client to another. Fragments are now included when form is added to a transport request.

Fixed the issue in FAB workbench where after deleting a form in edit mode, a lock entry on the form was still shown in SM12.

Updated FLP to avoid user locking issues on form instances.

Auto unlock submitted instance of Dynamic app registered on SAP Standard FLP

Fixed the bug where JSON Editor that uses evergreen UI5 version 1.71 causes problems.

Process Editor now uses the evergreen UI5 Ver 1.71 that it will load the latest release patch version number of version 1.71 until it reaches EOL in 2027.

Generated standalone FAB app with index.html to support evergreen UI5 version.


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