How to Access FAB

How to Access FAB

Transaction codes

FAB is accesed via the SAP GUI on an ERP/ECC back-end system or SAP Gateway system. There are four main transaction codes that are used during application development.

Development and Configuration:

/IQX/FAB - This transaction starts the core FAB tool, the FAB Workbench. The FAB Workbench is an integrated development environment used to create and modify FAB applications.

FAB applications are UI5 applications which typically consist of:

  • User Interface (UI5 controls)
  • JavaScript functions
  • ABAP logic
  • Workflow / Process Design

/IQX/FAB_CONFIG - This transaction is used to set configuration settings for the development and run-time environment such as:

  • the server ot be used in the preview window of the FAB Workbench
  • the UI5 libraries and themes to be used by the FAB applications
  • assignment of applications into Roles for access in the FAB Launchpad
  • configuration of various editors used in the FAB Workbench
  • cofiguration of the appearance of the FAB Launchpad

Reporting and Analysis:

/IQX/FAB_DATA - This transaction displays application transactional data, including

  • persisted application instance data
  • statuses of application instances
  • revision history.
  • approvers 
  • logs

The transaction also allows functions such as

  • resetting application status
  • redetermining of approvers.

/IQX/FAB_ANALYSIS - This transaction allows viewing of persisted data from FAB applications in an ALV format. 

Step-by-step guide

It is suggested you save these transactions under your SAP Easy Access Menu > Favorites. This can be done by:

  1. Clicking on 'Favorites',
  2. Selecting 'Insert Transaction'
  3. Entering the transaction code and selecting the green tick.

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