2.1.2 Properties

2.1.2 Properties


When a new application is created or when the Properties options is selected from the workbench toolbar, the properties dialogue box will launch, this is where the core definition of the application is set.

The property dialogue box contains two types of information:

  1. Application identification: These are the identification fields of the application, including Form id and Description.
  2. Application properties: These are the proprieties settings of the application, including using with SAP workflow and implementation class

Application identification:

The below fields comprise the application identification characteristics:
  1. App ID - This should contain a unique technical name of your application. This is also used for configuration, reporting and to craft the URL.
  2. Description - This should contain the user-facing name of the application. This will display on the application tile and against corresponding requests in My Forms. 
  3. Icon - The selected icon will display on the application tile and against corresponding requests in My Forms. 
  4. Owner - Identifies the owner of the application, this will automatically default to the creators system id.
  5. Sub Header -  This is an optional area that can contain KPI's, charts, text and icons. will be displayed under the App's description in the tile. It can be used as an identifier for grouping
  6. Footer -  The is an optional text-only area, this can be used to identify tile grouping i.e. Human Resources. 
  7. Date Created - date when the application has been created
  8. Date Modified - date when the application is last modified

Application properties:

The below fields comprise the application property characteristics:
  1. Do Not Save to Tables – Marking this setting will tell the application to not save the instance details into the table (e.g. /IQX/FORMS_INST). Header information of the instance will still be saved into the table /IQX/FORMHD_INST.
                                              A sample usage for this is when the instance details needs to be saved on a customized table outside of the /IQX/ namespace and there is no need for the redundant data.
  2. Keep Data Revisions – When ticked, this will instructs the FAB run-time to keep a version of each request, on change of status. This creates an audit trail for each request.
  3. Show in My Forms - When ticked, this enables the application to appear in the “My Forms” inbox of FAB. It generally should be ticked, to allow users to review/approve submitted requests.
  4. Show in New Forms - When ticked, this enables the application to appear in the “New Form” launch page of FAB and allows the user to initiate a new instance of the application. This is usually ticked, but there may be some scenarios where the instance of the application is auto-generated by another process. In this circumstance, you may prefer to prevent the user from creating a new instance. This option is used in conjunction with the Configuration Transaction /IQX/FAB_CONFIG to control which application are available to certain users.
  5. Anonymous Access - If ticked, this will allow the application to be used as an external facing App (e.g. use email address for login or a generic user) 2.11.8 Setting for Anonymous Access provides additional information.
  6. Web App/Repository - Application will reference a BSP Repository that can be used for storing MIMEs such as images, css, scripts etc and it can be used as the container for a generic web application.
  7. Stand-Alone UI5 App - Will create an independent application with a separate URL from FAB. When selected, the setting for offline capability of the app will be available.

    2.11.3 FAB Offline App describes the implementation details                                       

  8. Encrypt Data – Marking this setting will implement an encryption process when saving the data into the tables

    4.4 Data Encryption describes the implementation details                                       

  9. Authorization - This will restriction of access to the application at the user level.
  10. Auth Group - This will restriction of access to the application at the group level.

    4.2 App Specific Authorization describes the implementation details                                       

  11. Use with SAP Workflow - Defines the type of Task that should be created by the workflow, if a workflow is required.
  12. Implementing Class - This is an "Optional" setting. Explained later in 2.4 App Life Cycle, but briefly it is the ABAP class that handles ABAP logic for actions such as:
    • Defaulting Form data
    • Back-end validations before saving data
    • Actions upon submission (such as creating a SAP master data object using a BAPI or similar)
  13. URL - Generates the applications URL. To generate URL for the first time or copy the URL, select  .
  14. Language - Application's language that can be used for translation

    2.11.6 Internationalization describes the implementation                               

  15. Use Data Model -  setting this property will allow the application to make use of the advantages of using Data Model Nodes and leverage the runtime optimisation

    2.1.3 Data Model describes the implementation                               

  16. Save/Cancel -  Actions to apply or discard the changes.

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