Create an Implementation Class

Create an Implementation Class

For most practical applications it is necessary to use ABAP code to facilitate tasks such as:

  • Defaulting field values

  • Back-end (SAP) validations

  • Determining approvers

  • Updating master data and/or performing SAP transactions

An Implementing Class can be created for the application which is a subclass of /IQX/CL_FORMS_BASE_CLASS. This can be generated from the project Properties or from the Code (Form Life-Cycle dialog) in FAB workbench.

The system does not allow the sharing of class between projects. Use a unique Implementing Class for every project.

Step-by-step guide

From the Properties

  1. Select the project Properties button

  2. Provide the Implementing Class name

  3. Select the Generate Class button to create and activate the class

  4. Select the Save button

You can select the Auto-Generate Class Name button to generate a class name based on the App ID.

From the Code (Form Life-Cycle dialog)

  1. Select the Code button

  2. Provide the Implementing Class name

  3. Select the Generate Class button to create and activate the class

    Alternatively, you can use the Import function to import a class and its associated objects that was previously exported as a Nugget file.

  4. Select the Save button

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