Manage Roles
Manage Roles
Navigate to the /RoleManager URL then click the Roles menu. You need to have a System Admin access to access this page. On this page, you can:
- Create a new role;
- Edit or delete an existing role.
Maintain the basic information
- Name and description of the role;
- Optionally, select the email template for the role. The selected template will be used to insert a section about this role in the emails sent to the user.
Maintain claims assigned to the role
- Select the claim to add to the role. Use the functional area filter to narrow the list of claims.
- At the current assignment list, remove the claim assigned.
Setup the default user assignment rule
- Setting up the default assignment rule is optional;
- The role can either be assigned to all new users or be assigned to users in the specified user groups;
- Assign to users in user groups only applies to users imported from an external authentication provider that supports user group, e.g. AD.
IQX OneList Documentation - 6.40