Configure external authentication providers

Configure external authentication providers

Navigate to /RoleManager URL then click the Authentication Providers menu.

RoleManager can integration to any external provider that supports:

  • OpenID Connect (oidc), or
  • ADFS


  • Complete application registration in the respective authentication provider, e.g. configure redirect_URL, rely_party;
  • Request credentials for connecting to the authentication provider, e.g. client_id, client_secret;
  • Setup claims mapping at the authentication provider if required.

Adding an authentication provider

  1. Click the Create New button, enter the name and display name of the provider. The name has to be unique and starts with a letter without space, e.g. AzureAD, then click the Next button:
    • For ADFS, the name must be WsFederation;
    • For other providers, give it a unique name.
  2. Enter the configuration JSON applicable for the authentication provider. See below list for the applicable provider.
  3. Select the applicable status:
    • Is Active - RoleManager only interact with active providers;
    • Is Interactive - RoleManager displays a button for each interactive provider on the log in page so the user can use the external account to log in;
    • Is Default - RoleManager automatically redirects the user to the default authentication provider's login page, i.e. the user does not need to select which provider to log on.

If a source system is non-oidc compatible but is able to automatically map users, then use the following settings to configure a place-holder provider to support it:

  • Configuration JOSN: {"clientid":"na", "callbackpath":"/na", "configuration":{} }
  • Status: Is Active = false, Is Interactive = false; Is Default = false;

External authentication provider configuration requirement

Provider Application Registration Information Required for RoleManager Configuration RoleManager Configuration JSON
Azure AD

Registration steps: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/quickstart-register-app. Register for single tenant is recommended.

Redirect URI: https://<OneList hostname>/rolemananger/signin-azure

  • Azure tenant id
  • Application id
  • Client secret
"clientid": "<Application id>",
"clientsecret": "<Client secret>",
"Authority": "https://login.microsoftonline.com/<Azure tenant id>/v2.0",
"CallbackPath": "/signin-azure",
"SaveTokens": false

Registration steps: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/security/authentication/ws-federation?view=aspnetcore-2.2

Rely Party: https://<OneList hostname>/ 

Map the SAMAccount-Name to the Name ID claim. 

Hint: use the Windows event log on the ADFS server to investigate errors, and the rely party above must end with '/'.

  • Meta data address, e.g. 
"MetadataAddress": "<the meta data address>",
"Wtrealm": "https://<OneList host>/"

Registration steps: https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/devconsole-project

Redirect URL: https://<OneList hostname>/rolemanager/signin-google

  • client id
  • client secret


"Authority" = "https://accounts.google.com"
"clientid":"<client id>",
"clientsecret":"client secret",


"Scope": ["email"]


Create a connected app: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_streaming.meta/api_streaming/code_sample_auth_oauth.htm

Callback URL: https://<onelist hostname>/rolemanager/signin-salesforce

  • consumer key
  • consumer secret
"Authority": "https://login.salesforce.com",
"ClientId": "<consumer key>",
"ClientSecret": "<consumer secret>",
"CallbackPath": "/signin-salesforce",
"Scope": ["offline_access","api"]

OpenID Connect registration: https://help.sap.com/viewer/6d6d63354d1242d185ab4830fc04feb1/Cloud/en-US/8a0aa2ea5a0744879a7ec2be0bc023cf.html

Callback URL: https://<onelist hostname>/rolemanager/signin-sap

  • Client ID
  • Secret
"Authority": "<environment/sucscription based URL>",
"ClientId": "<Client ID>",
"ClientSecret": "<Secret>",
"CallbackPath": "/signin-sap"

IQX OneList Documentation - 6.40