2.3.4 Using a SAP workflow rule within FAB
Assigning approvers to a FAB form is achieved using FAB configuration tcode /IQX/FAB_CONFIG.
Typically this has been done by assigning an Object Type as P (Person) followed by the ID of the
related object.
This example shows how you can use this mechanism to assign an approver to a form using
a standard rule that you may already have defined in SAP. You could even extend this to some or other
custom Object Type that you define.
In the below example the CAPEX_DEMO form has been setup to have the person (P) with id 900212 to be the approver at level 1.
The TEST_WORKFLOW form has been setup to employ rule (R) 9810038 at level 1 and rule (R) 9810039 at level 2.
Note: The OT of R is a personal choice. You could define an object type of say RL (for Role) and then proceed to use the related object type (a role)
to find approvers.
To be able to implement the rule that you have defined you need to write ABAP code in method DETERMINE_APPROVERS_WORKFLOW of your
forms implementation class.
The first thing to do in this method is to read table /iqx/def_approvr holding the information setup above and then act on it to pick up the approvers
from the rule.
*i_form_name and i_level are input parameters to the method
data: lt_defined_approvers type standard table of /iqx/def_approvr,
ls_defined_approvers like line of lt_defined_approvers,
object type hrobjec_14,
ac_container type standard table of swcont,
ac_container_wa type swcont
select * from /iqx/def_approvr into table lt_defined_approvers
where zform_name = i_form_name
and approval_level = i_level.
read table lt_defined_approvers into ls_defined_approvers with key approval_level = i_level.
if sy-subrc = 0 and ls_defined_approvers-objty = 'R'.
object(2) = 'AC'.
object+2 = ls_defined_approvers-objid.
clear ac_container.
clear ac_container_wa.
Now proceed to fill the ac_container structure(s) with the details defined in the rule
and use function module RH_GET_ACTORS to get the actors/approvers
and append them to the ct_approvers table - changing parameter of the method.
Hint: Use tcode PFAC and Container tab to get the information about the rule and the
required containers.
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