Runtime Environment

Runtime Environment


There are three main sections to the FAB run-time environment: 

FAB Launchpad

FAB Launchpad is the main end-user entry point for FAB applications, it functions as FAB's centralized application home page. It will display tiles, which can either represent applications or be used as a navigation control to allow end-user to access a set of applications.

The tile can display an icon, title, text, charts, category sets i.e. Finance and real-time KPI's i.e. running tally of requests requiring approval.

FAB Launchpad utilizes role-based security and all applications are associated with a role. Consequently, the end-user will only view applications that have been associated with their role. 

My Forms

My Forms allows end-users to track the application progress:

  1. Submitted applications and view past application by the end-user (Submitted By Me).
  2. Any requests that require the end-user's action (To Approve).
  3. Any requests that were changed by the end-user but were initially submitted by another end-user (Actioned By Me).
  4. List of applications in which the end-user has administrative permissions (Administrator).

New Form

A new form is an application created by you or your organization, an unlimited number can be created.

When the application is selected, it launches a URL.

The application is used to initiate a process flow, which may retrieve real-time data from SAP and require end-user(s) to enter new data or select from available options. 

When designing a new form, the following should be considered: structure; flow; interface elements; field labels and help. Note, this isn't an exhaustive list.

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