FAB 3.3.1 Release Notes

FAB 3.3.1 Release Notes


In this patch release, we focused on fine-tuning the user experience in regard to the non-breakable workflow released in FAB 3.3 by resolving several reported bugs and addressing performance optimizations. We also introduced a new look for the workflow process designer and added few enhancements to its key features.

Users can look forward to a more polished and smooth experience with this update.

New Features

New two-column FAB workflow process designer look:


On this view, user will be able to see the past and current editable version of the workflow as well the details and configuration of each version. The left-side panel will list the history of the workflow version per Form App Iteration while the right-side panel shall display the old look of the enhanced workflows with a few new additional features.


For more details in navigation of the new two-columned process designer, please see https://iqxbusiness.atlassian.net/l/cp/MfcEAfEE

It is also important to note that we need to update the process editor in https://iqxbusiness.atlassian.net/wiki/x/VYMjiw for this new process designer to work.

The UI emphasis on some buttons in the new process designer will vary depending on the UI5 version used (see 1.71, 1.108, & 1.120 versions).


Features released in older versions of FAB Process Designer will still be functional on this new look, with the exception of the Show Action Connections button from the old process flow designer. To learn more about this deprecated feature, you may visit Enhanced Workflow > Workflow Designer Overview > Process Flow tab.


In order to help users in discerning the current state of specific workflow revision, we are pleased to introduce the Workflow Version Status. This feature presents three distinct states, namely Editable, Active, and Locked. Each state serves a unique purpose, providing users with clear insight into the condition of their workflows. With this enhancement, users can easily identify and manage the status of their workflow versions, ensuring efficient and informed decision-making processes.

To learn more about this feature, please see Enhanced Workflow > Workflow Designer Overview > Version Status


Within the same line for WF statuses, users can also have the opportunity to observe the indicators Review is mandatory or Review is skipped. This will provide guidance for the integration of another new feature, the Workflow Review Process.

To learn more about this feature, please see Enhanced Workflow > Workflow Designer Overview > Review Process


Another notable addition within the two-column FAB process designer is the inclusion of the Delete Functionality for editable workflow versions.

For more information about this feature, please see Enhanced Workflow > Workflow Designer Overview > Deleting WF Version


We also introduced the ability to view FAB Process Designer in your Web Browser (not in the SAP GUI, under the FAB Workbench). FAB Process Designer link should be on this format:



New API for the Revised Versioning for Non-breakable Workflow Design has also been implemented. To get full understanding of how this works, see page Workflow Versioning

With the introduction of this new feature and the distinct processes between Classic and Process (Enhanced Workflow), we also implemented a self-correcting code to maintain revision numbers during workflow data creation. While users may not directly observe this technical adjustment, the revision data displayed in the FAB Data Report transaction will accurately reflect the data utilized at the respective revision level.


In conjunction with the revised versioning for workflow revisions, we also added the Redetermine Workflow Functionality, the ability to reassign workflow instances used for submitted form instances. This functionality is accessible through the FAB Data Report (transaction /IQX/FAB_DATA) and is intended to facilitate cut-over activities during the resolution of PRD workflow issues.

To know more about this new feature, kindly read Redetermine Workflow via FAB Data Report


Another enhancement introduced for Enhanced workflows involves improving the visibility of the default path configuration, as it is currently concealed within the popover of the behavior button. Additionally, we implemented validation for default actions within WF tasks in the process flow designer to address the following issues:

  • Avoidance of multiple default actions

  • Ensuring that a default action is defined

  • Preventing default actions from pointing to the same task.

Related Documentation: https://iqxbusiness.atlassian.net/l/cp/Kk3UAw9e


We have implemented a selection date filter for the 'Administrator' tab in MyForms, extending the functionality previously introduced in FAB 3.3 for the 'Submitted By Me' and 'Actioned by Me' tabs. Additionally, we have improved error handling to accommodate future or invalid dates, along with the addition of specific warning/error pop-ups to assist users encountering such errors. This feature is available in the built-in version of FAB Launchpad, as well as FLP Dynamic and FLP Stand Alone versions.


Added 'Export' button for Admin Tab of Dynamic MyForms.

Related How-To documentation: How to Export Admin Data Grid to XLSX filearchived


With the configuration in the Global Setting of /IQX/OL_CONFIG, the OPS or Adapter Jobs will be created with a delay in seconds of the defined value.


Retrofitted Custom Codes for SAP S/4 HANA Compatibility

The IQX BTP Cockpit has been launched, facilitating the deployment of FAB HTML repositories to SAP BTP. This allows for the utilization of SAP's capabilities and services to develop more extensive extension applications.

Updates have been made to the FAB mandatory check function to log any mandatory fields left blank in the console.

We have added the ability to suppress the success popup message for fabSave() function.

Bug Fixes

The loading instance issue with JSON_EDITOR in the /IQX/FAB_DATA report has been resolved. Initially, the editor failed to load due to the SAPEVENT action sent from the browser being in lowercase. For further information regarding the JSON editor feature, please refer to the Step-by-step guide, step number 4 on the specified page https://iqxbusiness.atlassian.net/l/cp/HD2eKmbE .

The previously encountered issue of missing filters on the 'Administrator' tab within My Forms has been successfully resolved. This problem arose due to updates implemented in the available UI5 versions.

Users reported issues in copying workflows in between client systems. This has now been fixed.

OneList Adapter for SAP WF, method GET_MONITORING_WI will now be using the range of status from method GET_OPEN_STATUS.

The multi-language feature for the pre-built in Cost Center Search Help has been modified due to reported bugs from previous release (3.3):

  1. Missing cost center values due to validity dates being checked against table CSKT instead of table CSKS.

  2. Truncated cost center descriptions become confusing due to limitation of maximum character-length of 40 in Fiori.

  3. API line structure issue where data fields NAME1 and NAME4 are changed into 35 character-length from original 40 character-length.

  4. Cost Centers are not always arranged in ascending order.

To address these issues, the pre-built cost center search help logic has been updated to the following:

Logic Update:

  1. Select all valid Cost Centers filtered by company code and validity date.

  2. Try to retrieve cost center descriptions in foll