General Configuration

General Configuration

The FAB General configuration can be accessed in transaction /n/IQX/FAB_CONFIG → General Configuration. It is used to configure the RFC connection, UI5 resources, server, and caching URLs.

Please supply the complete URL in the configuration field using this format: scheme://host:port/path.

e.g. http://sapserver:port/sap/bc/bsp/iqx/fab_bsp/index.html for the Server for Workbench.

You can automatically generate the URL in transaction /n/IQX/FAB_SETUP and simply copy and paste it in /n/IQX/FAB_CONFIG → General Configuration.





RFC Dest Se

This configuration is for the RFC Destination of the Service Implementation

This setting is applicable for old ECC Systems that have an older version or do not Gateway Components. This RFC Destination can be used when IQX services are running on a Gateway System using a Local Alias, but the actual implementation is running on a back-end ECC System. Note that this is different from configuring IQX services to use a remote Alias.

Back End RFC Dest

This configuration is for the RFC Destination of the Back-End System

This setting can be used in scenarios where FAB Development is in a front-end Gateway System, but some functions such as lookups for Search Help are carried out in a remote system, such as a back-end ECC system.

RFC DEV Master

This configuration is for the RFC Destination of the Development Master

UI5 Library Ref.

This configuration is for the UI5 Library Reference that is used by the FAB application

Example Library References:



When using the libraries embedded on the server (Gateway or ECC), use resources/sap-ui-cachebuster/sap-ui-core.js

UI5 Theme

This configuration is for the UI5 theme that is used by the FAB application

Example Themes:




UI5 Libraries

This configuration is for the UI5 libraries that are initialized when the bootstrap script is loaded and executed by the browser

Example Libraries:


Run in Shell

This is a Flag that sets the FAB applications to Run in Shell on or off

Server for Workbench

This configuration is for the HTML View Server of the FAB Workbench

Example URL Path:

/sap/bc/bsp/iqx/fab_bsp/index.html - Utilise all the configuration options including the UI5 Library Reference, UI5 Theme, UI5 Libraries to Load

/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/iqx/fab2/index.html - Access the UI5 libraries on the server (Gateway or ECC) 

/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/iqx/fab2/index_latest.html - Access the latest UI5 libraries on the SAP CDN

Server for Anon Form

This configuration is for the URL that allows anonymous access to Forms

Example URL Path:


Server for Email

This configuration is for the URL that is used for accessing the Email server

Example URL Path:

/sap/bc/bsp/iqx/fab_bsp/index.html - Utilise all the configuration options including the UI5 Library Reference, UI5 Theme, UI5 Libraries to Load

/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/iqx/fab2/index.html - Access the UI5 libraries on the server (Gateway or ECC) 

/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/iqx/fab2/index_latest.html - Access the latest UI5 libraries on the SAP CDN

Server for Anon Eml

This configuration is for the Email Links URL when Anonymous Apps are used

Example URL Path:


Preview URL is FLP

This is a Flag that sets the Preview URL is FLP on or off

If turned on, it indicates that the Server for Workbench URL is a direct URL to the Fiori Launchpad

CacheBuster Info URL

This configuration is for the Cache Buster URL that facilitates the effective handling of cached files

Example URL Path:


URL of resourceroots

This configuration is for the URL of the SAPUI5 resource root when /IQX/FAB_BSP is used as end-point or the location where SAPUI5 loads all JavaScript modules, controls, and control related resources from

Example URL Path:


CacheBuster URL Anon

This configuration is for the Cache Buster URL used by Anonymous Apps that handles cache-busting techniques

Example URL Path:



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