App Configuration

App Configuration

The FAB App configuration can be accessed in transaction /n/IQX/FAB_CONFIG → App Configuration. It is used to configure the application related settings and customization like the Background Image, Launchpad, Forms and the Logout URL.





Background Image

This configuration is for the background image of the application

Disable Browser Back

This is a Flag that sets the Disable Browser Back on or off

If turned on, the browser’s back button is disabled. If turned off, the browser’s back button is enabled.

This feature does not work in Internet Explorer.

Launchpad FAB App

This configuration is for the custom Launchpad where the user can enter the name of the FAB application

JavaScript can be loaded by the custom Launchpad but there is no access to the FAB functions.

My Forms Title

This configuration is for the My Forms Title for Launchpad

New Forms Tile Title

This configuration is for the New Forms Tile Title

New Forms Page Title

This configuration is for the New Forms Page Title

New Forms FAB App

This configuration is for the New Forms FAB App

Logout URL

This configuration is for the Logout URL

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