Upgrade to a new version
Prepare the deployment file
Edit the docker-compose.yml located in the <Environment> folder:
Change the image version tag: vn.n.n-win-1809 to the new version. e.g. change from v7.1.1-win-1809 to v7.3.0-win-1809
The image version need to be changed for these services:
emailapproval (if applicable)
Add the following 3 configurations under the environment section of rolemanager, onelistserver, comms, diagnostic and emailapproval (if applicable) services.
Localization:DefaultTimeZone: ${default_timezone}
Localization:DefaultCulture: ${default_culture}
Localization:SupportedCultures:0: ${default_culture}
Add the following configuration under the environment section of onelist, rolemanager, onelistserver, comms, diagnostic services.
ContentSecurityPolicy: "default-src 'self'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; object-src 'none'; script-src 'self' https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com; img-src 'self' data:;"
For example:
Add the following CORS configuration under the environment section of comms, onelistserver and rolemanager sections.
CORS__Origins__0: chrome-extension://ckngfnnoeddfgdegbgbanbichklmmjkk
CORS__Origins__1: chrome-extension://bbdaecjmdjjodppgejiojechlnnabhmm
Prepare the .env file
Edit the .env file located in the <Environment> folder:
Append the following 2 lines to the .env file.
default_timezone=<default timezone>
default_culture=<default culture>
Replace <default timezone> and <default culture> with the proper value.
The default culture. Use the code from: Supported Languagesdefault_timezone
The default time zone. The time zone id is the “TZ database name” from this page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones
Save the ".env" file.
Replace the web.config file of OneList site
Download the web.config file.
Open IIS, right-click the OneList site and click “Explore“. In the folder, replace the web.config file with the downloaded file.
Download the updated image and restart OneList application
Open PowerShell console from the <Environment> folder run the following commands.
Login to IQX container registry: docker login -u <username> --password-stdin iqxbusiness.azurecr.io
Pull images: docker-compose pull
Restart OneList: docker-compose up -d