Deploy the optional email approval feature

Deploy the optional email approval feature


Add the service to the docker-compose.yml file

  • Download the emailapproval.yml file:

  • Open the docker-compose.yml file;

  • Copy the emailapproval service from the emailapproal.yml and insert it at the end of the services section of the docker-compose.yml file. Make sure its indentation is aligned with other services;

  • Save the updated docker-compose.yml file.

Update the .env file

Add the following variables and their value to the .env file:

  • For on-premises Exchange server

    imap_host=<The IMAP server name> imap_port=<The IMAP service port> imap_username=<The mailbox log on user name> imap_password=<The mailbox log on password>
  • For Office 365 mailbox

    imap_class=IQX.OneList.EmailApproval.Services.MsGraphHandlerService imap_username=<The mailbox log on user name> imap_authority=https://login.microsoftonline.com/<Azure tenant id>/v2.0 imap_clientid=<Azure client id> imap_clientsecret=<Azure client secret>

Restart OneList application

Run the following command to restart OneList:

docker-compose up -d

Create the OneList Email Approval channel

Follow the instructions at Configure Notification Channels to create the OneList notification channel for email approval:

  • Channel type: Email Approval

  • Email template: Task Approval