

How to efficiently re-use the FAB controls across different applications? The answer is by using the Widget functionality of the tool. Widgets allow a group of controls and its functionalities to be bundled and reused in different applications. This promotes efficiency in the development by reducing the effort in building a repetitive block of controls.

I. Creating Widgets

Recommended Setting

Use a Vertical Layout to group the controls that can be converted or added into the list of Widgets

  1. Right-click on the top-level control that you would like to create into a Widget. Right-click, select Widgets and then Convert to Widget.
  2. The Create Widget dialog screen shows up.

    a. Provide a Widget name and description
    b. Bound Fields are automatically assigned and made available
    c. Enter some notes (e.g. Prerequisites and instructions on how to use the Widget)

  3. Save the Widget by clicking 

II. Adding Widgets into an Application

  1. Right-click on a node where the Add Widget option will be available (e.g. a Page).  Select Widgets and then Add Widget

  2. Select the relevant Widget to be added

  3. Click on  to finally add the Widget

Exporting Widgets

  1. Right-click on any node in the Form Structure and select Widgets and then Maintain Widgets.

  2. Select the Widget you would like to export from the Widget Name search help,

  3. Click the Export button and provide a file name.

Importing Widgets

  1. Right-click on any node in the Form Structure and select Widgets and then Maintain Widgets.

  2. Click on  and select the Widget file to be imported

  3. Click on  to finally save the imported Widget.

Deleting Widgets

  1. Right-click on any node in the Form Structure and select Widgets and then Maintain Widgets.

  2. Select the Widget you would like to export from the Widget Name search help.
  3. Click on the Delete button  on the footer toolbar of the Maintain Widget screen to permanently delete the Widget.
  4. Click on Yes to confirm the deletion of the Widget.

NOTE: A user can delete only the widgets created by their own user id.

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