

The Table control is used to display large amounts of data in tabular form. It contains a set of line items and is fully responsive. For more information, you may refer to the SAPUI5 API reference for Responsive Table control, its samples, and usage.

Table Properties






Select the Ellipsis button to display the Table Definition screen

No Toolbar

Sets the visibility of the table toolbar

No Auto Load

Prevents the automatic loading of data into the table

Keyboard Mode

Makes the control responsive to keyboard interaction

Common Control Properties

Table Definition





Header text

Sets the Table header text

Show no data

Activates the text assigned in the “No data text” definition when the table is empty

No data text

Text displayed when the table is empty


Flag to set the growing feature on or off

If turned on, it requests data from the model in a lazy way. This enables the app to only retrieve data from the server as and when necessary.

Growing Threshold

Defines the number of items that are requested each time from the model


Selection for the table mode

Model based

Sets the table to be bound to the defined data model


Sets the data model for the table

Entity set

Defines the Entity set based on the model assigned


Sets the filters for the data model

Hide delete button

Flag that sets the delete button to hidden after the record deletion

Hide export button

Flag that sets the export button to hidden


Defines the actions that will be executed OnItemPress event by calling the related JavaScript function


Defines the actions that will be executed OnSelect event by calling the related JavaScript function


Defines the actions that will be executed OnUpdateFinished event by calling the related JavaScript function


Defines the actions that will be executed OnDelete event by calling the related JavaScript function

For more information on the properties that you can define for this control, see Responsive Table Control Properties.

Child Controls

To create a parent/child relationship in the Form Structure, right click on a parent control and add a child control. Below is the list of child controls that you can add to the Table control.

Table Columns

Table Column

  • Footer

  • Column Header

Table Cells

Toolbar Container

Info Tool Bar

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