IQX FAB Demo Apps Technical Checklist

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Task Details required/ OPTIONAL

Technical Checklist

Technical Checklist



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Development required

Performed by IQX Developer

Cover all user stories.

Is an update to an existing app? If so, have you changed the workflow steps? Or the data model? Or the process? In this instance, consider:
- development tasks / data manipulation to ensure that forms that are in-flight (for example, submitted before change, approved after change) will function correctly.
- the cut-over tasks at go-live. Do you need to execute specific steps to ensure that forms that are in-flight (submitted before change, approved after) will function correctly?


Unit Testing required

Performed by IQX Developer

Cover all test cases


Code Review - Self required

Performed by IQX Developer

IQX Code review checklist

Self assessment


Performed by IQX Peer Developer

IQX Code review checklist


Performed by IQX Business Analyst, IQX Developer and Business User













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