

Properties of Map

  1. Id - unique identifier of the control
  2. Bound Lat - the Field Name that links the Latitude to the Data Model.
  3. Bound Long - the Field Name that links the Longitude to the Data Model.
  4. Bound Address - address retrieved based on the coordinates
  5. Definition - Google Maps API Definition 
    1. API Key - generated API key from Google
    2. Width - width of the map
    3. Height - height of the map
    4. Place Name Mapping - the Field Name that links the Place to the Data Model.
    5. Street Num Mapping - the Field Name that links the Street Num to the Data Model.
    6. Street - the Field Name that links the Street to the Data Model.
    7. Suburb -the Field Name that links the Suburb to the Data Model.
  6. Visible - set a boolean value or a variable with type boolean from the Model to control the visibility property  

Step-by-step guide

How to add a Map

  1. Right click on a Page, Form Element or from any elements under Add Layout and select Add Map

  2. A Map control has been added

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