

Properties of Input

  1. Id - unique identifier of the control
  2. GridData (LMS) - control's column values for Large, Medium and Small screens. Please refer to GridData for further details
  3. Bound Field - the Field Name that links the Control to the Data Model.
  4. Type - selection for the type of input (e.g. Text)
  5. Actions on Change - a place to inject a custom code or action in the event that the value changes. A common application of this is calling a Javascript Function.
  6. Placeholder - text that will be displayed before an input has been made. A help or instruction text can be put here (e.g. instruction for the correct format)
  7. Search Help - type of search help to be used (e.g. *SAP Search Help)
  8. Search Definition - settings of the search help based on the type. Please refer to Implementing Search Helps for further details
  9. Enabled - set a Boolean value or a variable with type Boolean from the Model to control the enable property
  10. Visible - set a Boolean value or a variable with type Boolean from the Model to control the visibility property
  11. Description Field - this is a Bound Field that will hold the description. For example the CompanyCode search help is used, its Company Code Name parameter can be assigned to this field
  12. Mandatory - set a Boolean value or a variable with type Boolean from the Model to control the mandatory property.
  13. More - Additional field configuration that can be used to enhance the input field. 
  14. Advanced - properties of the control not available in the above list can be added here. 

    Setting Additional Properties provides further information about the Advanced property

Step-by-step guide

How to add an Input

  1. Right click on a Form Element and select Add Input
  2. An Input control has been added

Data Types Used:

  1. Text - Accepts alphabets as input.
  2. Number - Accepts negative values, decimals allowed, doesn't accept alphanumeric characters
  3. Float - Accepts decimal characters.
  4. Interger - Accepts negative values, decimals not allowed, accepts alphanumeric in the front end but doesn't save them in the back end.
  5. Tel - Enables users to enter phone numbers.
  6. Email - Enables users to enter email addresses.
  7. Password - Enables the users to mask their passwords.

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IQX Business Solutions - FAB 3.10