
Roles are categories of users who will interact with the application. Roles are assigned to Tasks and are used by View Control to define which sections of the application are visible and/or enabled at each Level of the Process. Users are assigned to Roles at run-time via FAB User-exit DETERMINE_APPROVERS_FOR_ROLE, but for simple scenarios, the Agents for the Roles can be specified directly in the FAB Process Designer. The following system roles are added by default and can not be deleted from the Workflow.

  • All - All Users (Mainly used in View Control)

  • None - No User (Mainly used in View Control)

  • Initiator - User who starts the workflow by submitting an instance of the App

  • Administrator - User configured as an Administrator in transaction /IQX/FAB_CONFIG → Roles for Users

Custom Roles and its Role Agents can be added directly from the Process Designer. The following Role Agents can be defined for the custom roles:

  • User

  • Personnel No.

  • Position

  • Org Unit 

You can make the configuration of User to Roles simpler by Creating an Approval Matrix Configuration App.

