Process Flow

The Process Flow section provides a visual representation of the configured workflow.  In the example below, you will find the following elements:

  • Levels

  • Tasks

  • Actions

  • Outcomes

FAB 3.3.3 - WF Editor - Process Flow


In the FAB Process Designer, when the button Show Action Connections is selected and the Process Flow is zoomed at level 1 or level 2, the connection lines between Actions and Outcomes will be displayed.

Green arrows show Forward Outcomes. Red arrows show Backward Actions. Blue arrows show Actions that stay on the same Task.

The Process Flow control in the FAB application has the following option and tabs:

  • Open Full Screen - Displays the Process Flow on a full screen.

  • Diagram - Displays the Process Flow Diagram configured in the FAB Process Designer.

  • Approval Path - Displays the approval sequence, task status, and the user or role assigned as the approver.

  • Audit Log - Displays the record of actions or changes performed, the timestamp, and user login information.

  • Approvers - Displays the list of approvers for open or pending Roles and Tasks. Alternatively, the approvers can also be viewed from the Diagram option in the FAB Process Flow. Whenever the Task is selected, the approver will be displayed in a pop-up dialog.