Upload Collection By Key

The UI5 Control sap.m.UploadCollection will be deprecated as of UI5 version 1.88 and replaced by sap.m.upload.UploadSet. FAB Front-End and the workbench have been updated to support both sap.m.UploadCollection (UI5 ver. < 1.88) and sap.m.upload.UploadSet (UI5 ver. >= 1.88). While the Upload Collection control will still function for attachments, it is not supported beyond UI5 version 1.88.

When more than one Upload Collection is required in an application, the need to categorize the attachments based on some key is needed.  This is useful as you can then easily determine the purpose or intent of an attachment within the context of the application.

  1. To add an "Upload Collection By Key" control to your app, right click in the Form Structure section and selection Add Other → Add Upload Collection By Key.

  2. You can then set the Key property as shown below to something that will uniquely identify this particular collection of attachments.