How to Refresh Cache on Gateway and ECC

How to Refresh Cache on Gateway and ECC

The following steps should be done to ensure a smooth transition to the new version of the App especially if the underlying OData services have been changed during the development.

For Embedded Deployment, perform all the steps in the ECC or Backend system.

For Central Hub Deployment, perform steps 1 to 6 in the Gateway or Hub system, and steps 4 to 6 in the ECC or Backend system.


Step 1

Go to transaction /IWFND/CACHE_CLEANUP or open the program /IWFND/R_MED_CACHE_CLEANUP.

Select the checkbox Cleanup Cache for all Models and execute.

Step 2

Go to transaction SMICM.

In the menu, navigate to Goto > HTTP Plug-in > Server Cache > Invalidate Globally.

Step 3

Go to transaction /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE.

In the Service Catalog, select the OData service that has been updated by the recent development.

In the ICF Nodes, select the button SAP Gateway Client.

In the SAP Gateway Client window, navigate to Metadata > Cleanup Cache > On both systems.

Step 4

Go to transaction /IWBEP/CACHE_CLEANUP or open the program /IWBEP/R_MGW_MED_CACHE_CLEANUP.

Select the checkbox Cleanup Cache for all Models and execute.

Step 5

Go to transaction SE38 and execute the program /UI5/APP_INDEX_CALCULATE.

This can be configured as a background job to run every 30 minutes. Please refer to the SAP guidelines in the SAPUI5 Application Index documentation.

Step 6

Go to transaction SE38 and execute the program /UI2/INVALIDATE_CLIENT_CACHES.

This can be run for a single user or for all users in the system, end encourages the device-specific browsers to clear their individual caches, by deleting the UI5 cachebuster token


It is recommended to also clear the browser cache by pressing the keys [Ctrl], [Shift], and [Del] on your Keyboard. A new window opens, where you can set up the options to delete the cache.




To refresh an OData cache in a BTP Environment, follow these steps:

Log into SAP BTP Cockpit, navigating to the OData Provisioning Service via:

  • SAP BTP Cockpit

    • Global Account (eg. Organisation name)

      • Subaccount (eg. Dev, UAT, Prod)

        • Services - OData Provisioning (Go To Service)

In left-hand menu, select ‘Metadata’.

  • In the list shown, select the relevant Service Name, and choose ‘Clear’




Updating the Cache Buster without SE38 Access

Found a useful tip for clearing the UI5 Cache Buster if you don't have access to SE38 in Quality and Production systems.

All you do is enter the BSP URL into the browser and add /do-update-meta-data to the end.

e.g. https://mycorp.com:44300/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/ZIQX_CPX_CER/do-update-meta-data

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