How to Redetermine Approvers

How to Redetermine Approvers

This article demonstrates how to redetermine request approvers if no approver is determined or if an additional approver is subsequently added to the approval matrix after submission.

Manual Procedure

Step 1

Determine request instance ID. Navigate to form instance and select Instance ID (GUID) from the URL, or search instances in transaction /n/IQX/FAB_DATA.

Step 2

Go to transaction /n/IQX/FAB_DATA to redetermine approvers. If you add an approver and the request is already in process, you can redetermine approvers at that step by accessing the transaction /n/IQX/FAB_DATA.

Step 3

Specify the relevant form name and select Execute


Step 4

Select the Form in the Form Headers section. In the Approvers tab, select the Redetermine button.


Step 5

Specify the Starting Position and Action



Step 6

Select Go and the new approver is added on the Approvers list.

Automated Procedure

Step 1

Create a variant for program /IQX/FAB_UPDATE_SUBSTITUTES. Specify the Form Name and tick Redetermine Approvers.


Parameter Form Instance is only available for FAB version 3.3.2 and higher.

Step 2

Create a job in transaction SM36 for the program using the variant from the previous step. Each time the job runs it will retrieve all the instances where an approver is defined, and it will redetermine the approvers.


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