View Control

View Control is a mechanism in the workflow engine that provides a way to set and unset Boolean fields (View Variables) in your Data Model based on the current Level of the Form and the Role of the accessing user.

When configured, the variable will automatically be set to True or False based on the criteria.  It is then the work of the developer to configure their form to use these variables to control the visibility and enabled status of the appropriate controls.

In this example, the field SectionVisible will be set to True when a user from the First Line or Second Line Approver Role is viewing the form when it is in the Approval Level.

Form Configuration Example

This example shows how to use a View Variable (SectionVisible) to control whether a Panel in the application is Visible or not.  This mechanism can also be used to control the Enabled status of a control.

IQX Business Solutions - FAB 3.10