How To Bypass WF Instance ID Generation

This guide is only applicable for Workflows running on FAB 3.3 version.

There may be instances where customers do not wish to use the auto-versioning feature of the enhanced process workflow. This guide provides instructions on how to deactivate the generation of Workflow Instance ID from the backend. For those using FAB version 3.3.1 and higher, this issue has already been addressed, and it is not advisable to follow the steps below.


1. Create Implicit Enhancement at the end of the FM /IQX/FAB_CREATE_WORKFLOW.


2. Implement the below ABAP logic:

DATA: lv_changed TYPE xflag. CASE ls_fab_wf-zform_name. WHEN 'A-PARTICULAR-FORM-NAME'. "OVERRIDE MD5_CHECKSUM WITH THE ZFFORM_NAME "TO BE USED AS WF_INSTANCE lv_changed = abap_true. ls_fab_wf-md5_checksum = ls_fab_wf-zform_name. ENDCASE. IF lv_changed = abap_true. MODIFY /iqx/fab_wf FROM ls_fab_wf. ENDIF.


NOTE: In DEV environment, the enhancement could be placed in the $TMP packages to streamline the development tasks.