Authoring Email Templates
Authoring Email Templates
You can add, edit or test an email template using the template toolbar
, or navigate to the /comms/templates URL to access all the email templates.
The template editor
The template editor is opened when you add or edit a template. The following information is required to complete a template.
- The name of the template - it must be unique amongst all the templates for the same application;
- The name of the application to which the template belongs. The application cannot be changed for saved templates;
- The type of templates:
- Default - this type of template is editable using the HTML editor. It supports simple data binding using {xxx} syntax;
- Razor - select this template type to create templates that require programming logic to generate output. This type of templates must conform to the Microsft Razor page syntax. The reference of the razor syntax can be found here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/mvc/views/razor?view=aspnetcore-3.0
Discover the data available for binding
A template can accept data input and use data binding to produce dynamic output. However, the structure and fields of the input data depend on the application of the template. You can use the following steps to discover the full data set available for the applicable operation:
- Create a “test” template of the "Default" template type;
- Add {*} to the template body and save the template;
- Navigate to the application's template configuration page, e.g. OneList notification channels, RoleManager email settings, and select the newly created “test” template for the operation;
- Click the Test Mail button on the template toolbar;
- The full data set is displayed as JSON.
- Use this JSON as reference to create data binding in your template.
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