OneList Usage
The OneList mobile client landing page incorporates:
- "Inbox" for all active assigned tasks and approvals;
- "History" for reviewing previous approvals;
- "My Requests" and "New Requests" for raising and viewing new requests;
- "My Delegations" for centrally setting and monitoring your task delegations across multiple backend systems; and
Figure 4 – OneList Launchpad
Task Categories
Approval decisions are grouped into Categories as illustrated below.
The colour coding and icons of the categories is fully configurable.
Figure 5 - Task Category Overview
When the Search or Sort menu options are selected, the task display switches into a single ordered list.
Finding Tasks
Specific tasks can be located by utilizing the task sort, filter and search options as illustrated below:
Figure 6 - Task Search, Filter and Sort options help locate specific requests
Task Navigation
OneList layouts are configured based on scenario and organisational requirement to present decision makers with critical information – first at a summary list level (for quick action), and then at increasing levels of detailed drill down as required.
OneList supports an unlimited number of drill down levels indicated by the '>' symbol as illustrated below, whereby a Purchase Order request in the summary list, and then as an individual Purchase Order, with a single item drill down to account assignment and schedule line detail if required.
Figure 7 - OneList supports unlimited levels of drill-down navigation
Displaying Attachments
Attachments are presented side-by-side in the OneList Web App, and full screen in the mobile apps as illustrated below:
Figure 8 - Attachments rendered alongside request details
Decision actions are presented on the face of the task as indicated below. Actions are classified for familiar colour and icon rendering. Actions are scenario specific, and are not limited to Approve and Reject as illustrated below:
Figure 9 - Icon and colour-code scenario-specific actions
Interactive actions
When actioning a task in OneList it may be necessary to provide input such as Comment, Classification, Date or Amount. These interactive fields can be exposed in OneList and provided back to the source system via the API call.
Quick Bulk Actions
OneList supports the configuration of 'Quick' actions that can be applied to tasks at the summary level. Quick actions can expedite approval processing for low-risk scenarios, where sufficient information for decision is available in the summary list view.
For example, in the configured scenario below, only 'Approve' is available as a Quick Action because 'Reject' requires supplementary input (ie Reason code and commentary).
Figure 10 - Bulk Actions
Action History
The OneList history app allows requestors to view previous decisions taken in OneList via both the Web App and native mobile apps:
Figure 11 - History View on mobile app
Figure 12 - History view in web app
Notification Preferences
OneList supports a range of Notification including email and push notifications to mobile devices.
Mobile device push notifications can be activated/deactivated in both OneList and on the mobile device.
Task email notifications can be configured to replace source-system task level notifications, and instead distribute daily or weekly task summaries of all open tasks. Normally this is not required as the badge count of open tasks is a powerful but subtle indicator of outstanding items.
Offline Task Processing
Tasks are synchronised to the mobile app and available for offline analysis and decision. Action outcomes are then synchronised back to the source system when connectivity is re-established.
Platform consistency
Native Apps
The user interface is consistent across all platforms, iOS, Android and Windows Mobile.
Email approval utilises the same task definition and layout as all other apps as illustrated below:
Figure 13 - Generic Email Client
OneList provides a configurator for flexible layout of approval tasks. Supported features include:
- Use of sample data to preview configuration changes
- Re-formatting of key fields eg date and amount formats
- Specifying actions eg input of additional data by approvers (comments, date, amounts, ranks, etc)
- Advanced layout post-processing – eg formulating a graphical leave calendar from a list
- Theming of icons and colours
Figure 14 - OneList Configurator illustrating Property Binding
Figure 15 - OneList Configurator illustrating Task Preview