Build your Data Model from a SAP Structure

Build your Data Model from a SAP Structure

There are often cases where you wish to build your Data Model based on an existing SAP structure.  This has benefits when calling BAPIs and other SAP functions as the field names would match and provide a simpler way to move the corresponding values from the FAB data model into the required SAP structure.

  1. Right click the Root Node and select "Add Structure Type Node"

  2. Provide a Name for the structure.
    Supply the SAP Structure that you would like to import fields from.

  3. Right click the newly created structure in the Data Model pane and select Add Fields from SAP Structure.

  4. Select the fields you wish to import by checking the checkbox in the far left column and click the green checkmark to start the import. 

  5. The fields will then be brought into your structure ready for use.


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