Target URL Method
Configuration Steps
Create a Tile Catalog in gateway via Fiori Designer
- Login to the Fiori Launchpad Designer via this link:
<server host>:<port>/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/arsrvc_upb_admn/main.html?sap-client=<client>&sap-language=EN
Login using your SAP Gateway account
On successful login, you should be able to see the list of catalogs in the gateway
- Ensure that you are in the Catalog section by pressing "Catalogs" tab on the upper left-hand side:
- Create a new Tile Catalog by pressing the + button on the lower left hand part of the screen:
- On the popup screen, select "Standard" and provide a Title and ID. The ID needs to start with Z* and press Save
A new catalog will be created
- You have now created a Tile Catalog
Create a Tile in the Tile Catalog
- While the new catalog is selected on the right hand side, click on the + sign to add a tile. A list of tile template will show:
- Click on the "App Launcher – Static" tile. You should then see the configuration screen for a tile
- Configure the following parameters:
- Title: <Your app title>
- Subtitle: <Your app subtitle>
- Keywords: <some keywords for your app>
- Icon: <Select from drop down or refer to Icon Explorer site>
- Information: <Additional information for your app>
- Use semantic object navigation: Unticked. By default this field in ticked. When this is unticked, it will enable the Target URL field.
- Target URL: <FAB app URL without the host name e.g. /sap/bc/bsp/iqx/fab_bsp/index.html#/StartForm/CAPEX_DEMO2/_newForm>
- Click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page:
- You have now created a tile in Fiori Launchpad
Create a SAP Role in Gateway and assign users
- Login to SAP Gateway system
- Go to transaction PFCG
- Create a new SAP Role for your Fiori Catalog e.g. ZIQX_FABFLP_ROLE, then click the Single Role button. The screen to maintain the new role will be displayed.
- Enter a description and click on the Menu tab. Save the role when asked. You should now see the Menu tab:
- Beside the button "Transaction", click the small button beside it to switch to "SAP Fiori Tile Catalog"
- A new pop up will show to identify which catalog to assign
- From the dropdown, select the new Catalog created from Fiori Launchpad
- Click check to continue. The catalog will now be assigned to the role
- Go to "Users" tab and enter the users who will be assigned with this new role
- Click save.
As a user, add the new tile into own Fiori Launchpad
- Login to Fiori Launchpad as one of the users assigned with the new role
- When in the Fiori Launchpad, click on the username on the upper right hand side of the screen and select "Tile Catalog"
- Locate the new tile from the list of assigned tiles
- Click the + button to add the tile into your Fiori Launchpad and select which group it will initially belong to
- Click Ok and click the Home button to go back to Fiori Launchpad
- The tile should now be available and can open the new FAB App.
IQX Business Solutions - FAB 2.40