Create config for Kubernetes Service (EKS)
If you haven’t connected to the cluster before run this command to create a connection:
aws eks update-kubeconfig --region <region> --name <cluster_name> -profile <cloudservice>>
Upgrade to a new version
Decide the following before proceeding with the upgrade:
The default time zone. The time zone id is the “TZ database name” from this page:
The default culture. Use the code from: Supported Languages
The other supported cultures. Use the code from: Supported Languages
The RootUrl of application.
The namespace where OneList applications are deployed.
Download the upgrade.ps1 file. Run the command below in PowerShell, where the Image_Version is in the format of x.x.x, e.g. 7.4.4
.\upgrade.ps1 -n <OneList_Namespace> -v <Image_Version> -rooturl <rootUrl> -timezone <default timezone> -culture <default culture> -supportedCultures <supported cultures seperated by ','>
For example: .\upgrade.ps1 -n onelist -v 7.4.4 -rootUrl -timezone Australia/Sydney -culture en-AU -supportedCultures en-AU,en-US