This page is only applicable for Workflows running on FAB 3.3 version.
There might be cases where customers would not want to have the auto-versioning feature of the alternate workflow. This is the how-to guide on how we can deactivate the generation of WF Instance Number from backend.
1. Create Implicit Enhancement at the end of the FM /IQX/FAB_CREATE_WORKFLOW.
2. Implement the below ABAP logic:
DATA: lv_changed TYPE xflag. CASE ls_fab_wf-zform_name. WHEN 'A-PARTICULAR-FORM-NAME'. "OVERRIDE MD5_CHECKSUM WITH THE ZFFORM_NAME "TO BE USED AS WF_INSTANCE lv_changed = abap_true. ls_fab_wf-md5_checksum = ls_fab_wf-zform_name. ENDCASE. IF lv_changed = abap_true. MODIFY /iqx/fab_wf FROM ls_fab_wf. ENDIF.
NOTE: In DEV environment, the enhancement could be placed in the $TMP packages to streamline the development tasks.
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