It is not possible to refer to a table control directly by its id. This is because UI5 gives a unique id to each cell to ensure there are no duplicate ids in the app.
There are also some auto-generated ids. It is therefore necessary to obtain a reference to the cell by using its position in the table.
This is done by getting the table items (getItems()), and then referring to a particular item using the array index getItems[1].
Once you have the item, you can get the cells. (item.getCells()) and use the array index to get a particular cell.
It depends on the scenario in your application, but for example, you can add the code below when as an entry is added to a table:
function onTable5DataAdded(evt){
console.log("table4 data added");
var oTable = getControl("Table5");
var lineNumber = evt.getParameter("actual");
lineNumber-= 1;
var oRow = oTable.getItems()[lineNumber];
var controlPosition = 0; //1st control in table
var oControl = oRow.getCells()[controlPosition];
In a scenario where one of the controls in the table is changed, you can use this code:
function optionChanged(evt){
console.log("option changed");
var oRow = evt.getSource().getParent(); //get parent table item of input
var controlPosition = 0; //1st control in table
var oControl = oRow.getCells()[controlPosition];
Please see FAB_DEMO_TABLES sample.
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