A dedicated mailbox for receiving task approval email and the credentials to log on the mailbox.
IMAP server host name and port;
Add service in the docker-compose.yaml file
Download the emailapproval.yml file:
Open the docker-compose.yml file;
Copy the emailapproval service from the emailapproal.yml and insert it at the end of the services section of the docker-compose.yml file. Make sure its indentation is aligned with other services;
Save the updated docker-compose.yml file.
Update the .env file
Add the following variables and their value to the .env file:
imap_host=<The IMAP server name>
imap_port=<The IMAP service port>
imap_username=<The mailbox log on user name>
imap_password=<The mailbox log on password>
mailfilter=*<First letter of the environment, empty for production>*
Restart OneList application
Run the following command to restart OneList:
docker-compose up -d