Prepare the deployment file
Edit the docker-compose.yml located in the <Environment> folder:
Change the image version tag: vn.n.n-win-1809 to the new version. e.g. change from v7.1.1-win-1809 to v7.23.0-win-1809
The image version need to be changed for these services:
Localization:DefaultTimeZone: ${default_timezone}
Localization:DefaultCulture: ${default_culture}
Localization:SupportedCultures:0: ${default_culture}
Add the following configuration under the environment section of onelist, rolemanager, onelistserver, comms, diagnostic services.
ContentSecurityPolicy: "default-src 'self'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; object-src 'none'; script-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:;"
For example:
Add the following CORS configuration under the environment section of comms, onelistserver and rolemanager sections.
CORS__Origins__0: chrome-extension://ckngfnnoeddfgdegbgbanbichklmmjkk
CORS__Origins__1: chrome-extension://bbdaecjmdjjodppgejiojechlnnabhmm
Prepare the .env file
Edit the .env file located in the <Environment> folder: