The FAB workbench starts and you can begin developing or updating your Forms Apps in a familiar ABAP environment.
- The left window is for defining the formApp.
- The right window is a preview area showing the results of your work on the left.
- When using Create Form the preview window is not available until after your first save of the form.
- If you have previously been working with FAB then the transaction starts with the Form you had opened previously.
- You may be prompted to enter your SAP user name and password for the Gateway server. In some cases you may not be able to enter the user name and password quick enough before the workbench opens. This could result in the preview window not being able to show a preview fo the current App. If this is the case, exit the workbench and start the transaction again.
Step-by-step guide
- Type in /IQX/FAB
- Use Open Form or Create Form to start.