Tasks are the individual steps that take place within a level. A level can have one or more tasks that can be configured to execute sequentially or in parallel.
Task ID
The Task ID should be a unique value that will be passed into the ABAP exits in your implementation class. This can be used to determine the current task and perform any actions accordingly.
Each task must exist within a level. The values in this drop down are configured in the Levels section of the workflow designer.
This is the abbreviated name of the task that is displayed in the Process Flow diagram. The Process Flow diagram allows the user to zoom in or out and when the diagram is zoomed out, it is not possible to show the full Task ID on the diagram. In this situation, the abbreviation text is used instead.
The roles button allows you to configure which role should perform each task. A task can have one or many roles associated with it. The list of roles will include any custom created roles as well as the system roles of:
- Initiator - Only the person performing the original submission will be able to execute the task. This is useful when sending back a request to the original initiator for final review.
- All - Any person with access to the application will be able to execute the task.
- None - No one will be able to see or execute the task.
- Administrator - Any administrators of the form can execute the task. This is useful to provide administrators a way to go in and execute a task on someone's behalf.
Each task can be configured to execute only when certain requirements have been met. A good use case of this is when certain approval tasks are needed only in certain circumstances (e.g. A value threshold has been met). Requirements must first be configured in the Requirements section of the workflow designer.
The actions for a Task configure which actions a user can take when that task is executed. Each action will appear in the footer of the application as a button. The Text, Icon and Button Type of the button can be configured.
- Action ID - This is a unique ID of the action that is passed into the ABAP user exits. When the status of the form changes, ABAP code can be used to interrogate the last performed Action and perform the necessary operations.
- Action Text - This is the text that appears on the button.
- Icon - This is the SAP UI5 icon that is displayed on the button.
- Button Type - This is the styling that the button will use. You can see some examples of button types here.
- Behaviour - This button opens up additional configuration options for the button. You can find more details of the options here.
Outcomes - This button opens an editor to configure the Outcomes when this action is performed. An Outcome is another task that can be in any level within the application.
The Outcome of an Approve action may be the Completed Task whereas the Reject action may take the Form back to the original Creation or a specific Review task.
Data Updates
This option is when you are configuring the workflow to support multiple tasks in one level running in parallel. When tasks are running in parallel, there is possibility that when one user saves the application, it could overwrite what another user is doing at the same time. To prevent this, each Task can be configured only to update a specific section of the data model.
When parallel tasks are configured, this option enforces a lock on the form so that multiple people cannot attempt to open and execute the same task. After a user has opened the Task, any other users will get a warning that the form is currently locked and no actions will be made available to them.