Log on to Kubernetes Service (EKS)
Execute the following command:
aws eks --region <region> update-kubeconfig --name <cluster_name>>
Upgrade to a new version
You need to know the default timezone, default culture and namespace where OneList applications are deployed before proceeding with this upgrade. Download the upgrade.ps1 file. Run the command below, where the Image_Version is in the format of x.x.x, e.g. 7.2.0
powershell -f upgrade.ps1 -n <OneList_Namespace> -v <Image_Version> -timezone <default timezone> -culture <default culture> -supportedCultures <supported cultures seperated by ','>
For example: powershell -f "c:\onelist\upgrade.ps1" -n onelist -v 7.2.0 -timezone Australia/Sydney -culture en-AU -supportedCultures en-AU,en-DE