SAP Adapter for OneList v6 Architecture

SAP Adapter for OneList v6 Architecture


The SAP adapter for OneList v6 (SAP adapter) is an SAP-based component that is deployed into source workflow SAP systems. The SAP Adapter provides a baseline implementation for integrating with the OneList cloud service API's.
An overview of the SAP Adapter for OneList v6 components is presented below:

Figure 1 - SAP Adapter for OneList v6 components overview

OneList SAP adapter

The SAP adapter is contained within the Package /IQX/ONELIST_ADAPTER. This contains a number of supporting database tables, classes, interfaces, programs and function groups.

OneList v6 Cloud Services - API's

The SAP adapter established out-bound connections with the OneList cloud services to synchronise users, tasks, and documents, and receive the outcome of any actions processed in OneList client applications.

OneList Client Applications

All OneList client applications (web app, native mobiles apps for iOS, Android and Windows), Outlook add-in and email task approval all leverage the same task configuration for consistency.

IQX OneList Documentation - 6.40