/ Grid Layout Grid Layout
This FormLayout
renders a Form
using an HTML-table based grid. This can be a 16 column grid or an 8 column grid. The grid is stable, so the alignment of the fields is the same for all screen sizes or widths of the Form
. Only the width of the single grid columns depends on the available width.
To adjust the appearance inside the GridLayout
, you can use Layout Data
and Grid Data for content fields.
Properties of Grid Layout
- Id - unique identifier of the control
- Default Span - A string type that represents Grid's default span values for large, medium and small screens for the whole Grid.
- Default Indent - Defines default for the whole Grid numbers of empty columns before the current span begins. It can be defined for large, medium and small screens.
- Model - Model to be used
- Entity Set - Entity set definition
- hSpacing - Horizontal spacing between the content in the Grid.
- vSpacing - Vertical spacing between the content in the Grid.
- Style Class - Assign a predefined SAPUI5 CSS or a CSS class defined in the CSS of the App
- Advanced - Properties of the control not available in the above list can be added here.
Setting Additional Properties provides further information about the Advanced property
More Properties Screen
- No Auto Load – setting to prevent loading the data into the table
- OnUpdateFinished - executes the javascript function assigned for this event
- rowHeight – controls the height
- Width – controls the width
- columnHeaderHeight - controls the header height
- columnHeaderVisible – shows/hides the column header
- firstVisibleRow – first visible row
- Editable - enables/disables the table
- Threshold - defines the number of entries to be requested from the model for each grow (e.g. setting it to 100 will request and show the first 100 entries)
- showColumnVisibilityMenu
- showNoData – shows the table when empty
- visibleRowCountMode, minAutoRowCount, fixedRowCount, rowActionCount and fixedBottomRowCount – Row count properties
- enableColumnFreeze, enableCellFilter, enableSelectAll, enableCustomFilter, enableBusyIndicator, enableColumnReordering and enableGrouping – enable additional table properties and funtionalities
Step-by-step guide
How to add a Grid Layout:
- Right click on a Page, Form Element or from any elements → Add Layout → select Add Grid Layout.
2. A Grid Layout control has been added. UI Elements including Model can be added under the Grid Layout Control by doing a Right click on it.
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