/ Grid Table Personalization Grid Table Personalization

The column's sort, filter and visibility options of a Grid Table can be saved on a user/app/table basis, so that when a user makes changes to the table column settings in an app, the settings will remain when the app is reloaded at a later stage.

The personalization setting is getting saved into the table /IQX/USER_PERSO

Step-by-step guide

  1. In the ‘More..’ properties of a Grid Table, set showColumnVisibilityMenu to true. This allows customization of the table columns by right-clicking on the column header.

  2. In the ‘More..’ properties of a Grid Table, set personalizationKey to an arbitrary value. This will be used as the key to store the personalization settings.

  3. Each column in the table should have the Personalization Key property set to a unique value that identifies each column. This can simply be set to the same value as the Id property.

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