FAB 2.40
The main theme for the 2.4 release was developer productivity and developer user experience. The result is a vastly improved app designer workbench facilitating the delivery of quality apps at pace and scale. The main features that reflect this are the easy validation without heavy JavaScript, the drag and drop functionality within the app designer workbench and the tight integration of the mobile approval view from within the app. Additionally many minor bugs were addressed in this release.
New Controls:
- Upload Collection By Key (To allow for segregation of multiple attachments in one application)
- File Uploader By Key (To allow for segregation of multiple attachments in one application)
- DateTimePicker (DateTimeInput control is now deprecated in UI5 Library)
- VizFrame
- ChartContainer
- Slider
- Object Number
- Link
- Breadcrumb
- Segmented Button
- Message Strip
- Dynamic Page
- Avatar
- FlexibleColumnLayout
- OverflowToolbar
- Stacked Bar and Stacked Column Options to the Bar / Column Chart
New Features:
- Implemented a new regular expression based validation engine that significantly reduces manual JavaScript coding to validate field values.
- Focus is automatically placed on the Id property of newly created data model fields to accelerate data model development.
- SAP number ranges can now be used to provide a unique ID (Document Number) to each instance of your application.
- Screen definition for approvals via OneList can now be configured directly in the FAB workbench.
- Reporting transactions now have the ability to filter on External Document Number, Date Submitted and Date of Last Change
- Form structure can now be rearranged by dragging and dropping elements.
- Drag and drop now possible for rearranging fields, table and structures in the Data Model
- Added the ability to drag a field directly onto into the form structure to automatically add an input/checkbox or date picker control.
- Added the ability to copy an app to a different SAP client.
- Added a way to pass in the FormName and Instance number via URL parameters.
- Implemented a copy/upgrade feature to allow the upgrade of pre data model applications to use the new data model.
- Now allowing a Footer element to be added to the Grid Table control.
- Added an Enabled property to the Grid Table to allow controlling the Enabled/Disabled status of the entire table.
Other Changes:
- Removed the Update button on the JavaScript editor.
- DatePicker control now defaults the binding type to Value instead of Date.
- Messages can now be passed back to the client from the PERFORM_ACTIONS_FOR_STATUS_CHG method in your implementation class through parameter ET_MESSAGES.
- Exposed additional advanced properties to the Input control via the More property.
- Enhanced the Excel Drop control to show a button that allows a user to browse the local system for an Excel file to upload.
- Improved field selection search helps in List Item Templates for entity sets and table structures within the data model.
- Improved performance of setting the Worklist (MyForms) attribute by introducing a new method FORMAT_MY_FORMS_ATTRIBUTE_SAVE that is called when the data is saved instead of each time MyForms reads an instance.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where attempting to load a new app but cancelling caused the workbench to think the new application was loaded.
- Fixed an issue where resizing a panel too large or too small in the workbench could cause errors next time the application was opened.
- Fixed issue with control identification caused occasionally when saving the application.
- Fixed issue when using ABAP subroutines that used Input/Output parameters from structures and tables.
- Improved the process of importing applications while using Live View.
- Resolved an issue where the Attribute value in MyForms could be incorrectly used by other instances.
- Updated Expanded property on the Panel control to work better with Boolean fields.
- Enhanced navigation back from a FAB app when using the Fiori Launchpad on SCP.
- Fixed issue with Dates in MyForms not displaying correctly based on time zone
- Fixed issue with automatically generated search help titles containing invalid XML characters.
- Improved the delete functionality with Upload Collections and Upload Collections By Key
- Resolved an issue when using Boolean fields in your Data Model that did not have the SAP type of XFELD.
- Operators "Not Between (NB)" and "Does not contain pattern (NP)" removed from the SAP Table Search filter options.
- Fixed an issue with /IQX/CL_FORMS_ASSIST=>INTERNAL_TABLE_TO_RELATED_DATA when using internal tables that contained "included" structures.
- Fixed issues with adding multiple Map controls and configuring the control when using Live Mode
- NOTE: Existing apps using a Map will need to be re-saved in FAB.
- Fixed a bug where certain values (e.g. semi-colon) in properties were not escaped causing errors when viewing the application.
- Enhanced supplied Search Helps (Plant, Material and Controlling Area) with regards to searching for text in descriptions.
- Fixed error when providing and Entity set name for a GridTable where the entity set name was incorrectly added to the Data Model
- Fixed issue when editing script through the ellipsis button in the Action dialog
- The description value for an Input field with search help is now cleared if the value of the input box is cleared.
- Fixed an issue where project properties could be removed during certain operations relating to widgets
- Corrected an issue where filters for Charts/Tables and Lists where using a data model field in a structure would not work.
- Improvements to the handling of date and Time throughout solution
- Fixed an issue where Mandatory field checks were not always performed when the controls existed in complex containers like a Wizard control
- Now limiting the length of the implementation class name
- Fixed an issue when opening an application with a missing implementation class
- Resolved an issue where the ID property was not being used correctly when working with custom nodes.
- Resolved an issue where BDC recordings may not always get exported during an Import/Export operation.
- Enhanced the selection of bound fields for scenarios where the field exists in multiple levels of nested structures.
- When using a RadioButtonGroup with the Group binding type, creating a bound field will automatically create it as an integer type.
- Fixed an issue that prevented filters from being correctly removed in list and tables.
- Fixed an issue where a property value longer than 80 characters could be truncated when using the advanced editor.
- Fixed issue with Width properties where entering an integer value (e.g. 100) would result in an error.
- Fixed an issue where clicking the Redetermine Approvers button in the Data Report transaction code resulted in a dump.
- Fixed an issue where a new transport request was not always used when updating the type declaration of the implementation class.
- Fixed an issue where viewing a request in My Forms and clicking back would raise the "Data Changed. Do you really want to exit" dialog.
- Fixed issue where some onLoad events on Expert pages were not executing correctly.
- LayoutData component now has a Namespace Prefix attribute
- Improved performance when executing custom FAB actions from the implementation class
- Resolved issue with workflow configuration when owner was also an agent for Approval Level 0.
- Resolved an issue where entering an invalid widget name in the widget dialog could cause the SAP GUI to error out
- Fixed issue when using CSS nodes in an application with controls similar to the Wizard Control
- ActionsOnChange event now fires for input control after all bindings have been completed when using search helps
- Corrected issues with filters in Tables and Lists where CP was used as an operator
- Resolved an issue with templateSharing warnings in cases where Select controls were nested in a table
- Function Module /IQX/GET_FORM_DATA now allowing for specific data revision to be retrieved
- Improved Live View when adding multiple pages
- Improved live view to read and immediately reflect property changes of controls
- Fixed issue with GridLayout not respecting default span and default indent properties correctly
- Added growing and growing threshold properties to search helps
- Entity Set Field Designer now has Insert and Delete row buttons so keyboard is not the only way to manage rows
- Application now automatically refreshed after an Import from a file
- Added Check and Send Notification method to the code dialog
- SAP search helps no longer need to be entered as upper case
- Fixed issue where setting up a Custom search help would sometimes lose some of the binding information
- Validations improved for the SAP Type on data model fields
- Setting JavaScript type of field in the data model to String no longer throws an error
- Fixed an issue where the value of the advanced property on certain controls can be truncated when not using the long text editor
- Fixed an issue where a Table header was not visible if the No Toolbar property wasn't set or set to false.
- Fixed an issue where filtering system fields in the list view of the data model may break when new bound fields are added
- The Actions Dialog now allows you to insert rows in order to correctly sequence the actions on events like "Actions if Pressed"
- Bug fix when type declaration in implementation class was not always created when the implementation class is generated.
- Highlighting of the field in the data model from a controls is now possible with tables